The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 25,199 - Dec 21 2010

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Clues Answers
Break for depression RECESS
Bringing off crime, saint not I? MISCREANT
Circus performer shut up SEAL
Empty vehicle needing fresh oil, in power it's flown MICROLIGHT
Force of nature brought to skin of frog, stuffing a fish ACTOFGOD
Found in book, rare edible plant OKRA
Get on with leading empire DOMAIN
Guts, or heart lost in loved one DARING
It's the whole thing, you fool! UNIT
Italian flight cut, can I change? Might this have stopped you? VOLCANICASH
New sale man backed up over crumbling property under contract LEASEHOLD
Not viewing odds, favour a team which is close to one's heart AORTA
Pilfer your secret STEALTHY
Plant needing shade put in vessel COTONEASTER
Poet's written about English medical graduate HOUSEMAN
Clues Answers
Politician, one blasted as rookie GREENHORN
Refuse to take line into attack, heading for home FILTH
Roughly speaking, was it the on-screen bone that ___, showing exhaustion? LASSITUDE
See 28 ONES
Serious plot GRAVE
Speedy boat turned up having caught nothing TONUP
State must block Venetian play, whatever happens INANYEVENT
Those looking to dress king in the emperor's new clothes? STARKERS
To support what one's said, eat bread or suck lolly? PUTONES
Treated with contempt, university squeezed, then abandoned DISUSED
US city not entirely accepting south has a rotten atmosphere MIASMA
Where guitarist might pause to view navel area? MIDRIFF
Workers carry around a link, regularly, as record filed away? MENTALNOTE