The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 23,525 - Aug 5 2005

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Clues Answers
A First Lady resilient and hard inside, for all that ALTHOUGH
Aims often turned into policies MANIFESTO
Being irritable, select pin differently SPLENETIC
Cast-off newspaperman must support America USED
Excitement when Dorothy turns up with a ring TODO
Fell heavily, having reached right inside a boiler CAMEACROPPER
Figurines making Tate test us when recast STATUETTES
Film actress in love with almost cruel one OHARA
Frivolous capers could lead to an awkward predicament SCRAPE
Get around in a carriage for golf tournament PROAM
Hearsay, so not completely unconditional ONDIT
Mild and bitter: no spirit to be seen HALFANDHALF
Monkeys, perhaps, first group to withdraw PRIMATES
One-horse lot AMOUNT
Clues Answers
Other side of old pages united with Christian writings OPPONENT
Person behind the times takes cycle to work PERIODPIECE
Prays for assignments not yet started ASKS
Restraint makes less than proper husbands tense SUBDUEMENT
Ridicule met with anger SATIRE
Rosencrantz's companion is single, having turned awkward GUILDENSTERN
Run as a left-winger TROT
Seducer unwilling to take one to Rio LOTHARIO
Sharp stone for the remaining persons ALLTHEREST
Smooth French author gets certificate SANDPAPER
To be sure in performance INDEED
Tries to change ceremonies RITES
US gossip needs time with old PM about to talk endlessly TATTLETALE
When the Devil drives, listen to presses with new wine NEEDSMUST