New York Times - Aug 25 2004

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Clues Answers
'Wake of the Ferry' painter SLOAN
'Whoopee!' WHEE
'___ Kapital' DAS
50-50, e.g. TIE
Aboard ONTO
Administered medicine DOSED
Advil alternative ALEVE
Barn section LOFT
Cabinet post since 1849 INTERIOR
Calls the shots DIRECTS
Camel caravan's stop-off OASIS
Caribbean and others SEAS
Casing SKIN
Chick on the piano COREA
Comb stopper SNARL
Come up short FAIL
Confess TALK
Copacabana site RIO
Cork's country EIRE
Cousin of an épée RAPIER
Covers with gunk SLIMES
Cry of insight AHA
Dedicated lines? ODE
Double curve ESS
Flamenco shout OLE
Flap ADO
Follower's suffix IST
Frequently, in verse OFT
Got fresh with SASSED
Harangues BERATES
Healthy WELL
Heaps ALOT
Kennel sound WOOF
Kind of basin TIDAL
Lawrence Welk specialty POLKA
Leave the scene EXIT
Letter from Greece TAU
Loathsome person TOAD
Mental flash IDEA
Clues Answers
Mike who played Austin Powers MYERS
Narrow way LANE
Obscure DARKEN
Old discs LPS
Opposite of paleo- NEO
Ornamental vine: Var. WISTARIA
Orthodontist, for one: Abbr. DDS
P.D.Q. in the I.C.U. STAT
Part of S.N.L. LIVE
Ph.D. hurdle ORALS
Pocket protector? KANGAROO
Political movements CAUSES
Productive FERTILE
Prosper THRIVE
Rock radio pioneer Freed ALAN
Satisfy the munchies EAT
Sicilian hothead? ETNA
Sidekick PAL
Sign of sanctity HALO
Sign of sorrow TEAR
Society newbie DEB
State firmly AVER
Sushi selection EEL
Swindle CONJOB
Tend the sauce STIR
Toward the tail AFT
Try to bite NIPAT
Victory goddess NIKE
Vino region ASTI
What a person may become when kneeling SIR
Words of assistance LETME
Yankee opponent ORIOLE
Youth LAD
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