New York Times - Jul 3 2004

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Clues Answers
'Beethoven' star, 1992 GRODIN
'Flower Petal Gown' sculptor ERTE
'If a ___ is happy, it cannot fit too close': O. Henry HOME
'Me, too' LIKEWISE
'Me, too' SODOI
'Six Degrees of Separation' family name KITTREDGE
'The Murder Room' novelist PDJAMES
'The Partridge Family' actress DEY
1986 rock autobiography ITINA
Actress Georgia ___ of 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' ENGEL
Bad words EPITHETS
Better Business Bureau concerns SCAMS
Bring up MENTION
Browsers' place THENET
Burrowing animal WOMBAT
Collusion CAHOOTS
Come this close JUSTMISS
Contributes ADDS
Curved wall used as a stage background CYCLORAMA
Density symbol, in physics RHO
Dos into seis TRES
European capital RIGA
Gathering suffix FEST
Get the job done CUTIT
Give up, slangily CAVE
Good enough to 2-Down ABLE
Hefty competition GLAD
Invention of Hermes, supposedly LYRE
It can be semi-attached TRAILER
It may follow an etym. DEF
It's projected MOVINGPICTURE
John of Parliament LOO
Kids' TV character voiced by Kevin Clash ELMO
Legal cover-up? ROBE
Clues Answers
Longtime Chicago Symphony conductor SOLTI
Lyricist Dubin and others ALS
M.'s counterpart MLLE
Make a stink? ROT
Make calls REF
Mama bear, in Madrid OSA
Member of a small family ONLYCHILD
Mysterious letter writer, maybe SECRETADMIRER
Not easily angered EVEN
Not mincing words? UNABRIDGED
One of 'them' MUTANT
Ones that may get ticked? DEER
Ottoman officer AGA
Pique experience? SNIT
Put through the mill? PUREE
Putting two and two together, say ARITHMETIC
Robert Burns title starter AULD
See 51-Down PAD
Sent a duplicate, briefly CCED
Special ability ESP
Sturdy building material OAK
Sudden increase SPIKE
Suitor's presentation ROSES
Surgical tube STENT
Swamp thing CROC
Take, as a life CLAIM
Time of many a fairy tale LONGAGO
Utter EMIT
Virginie, e.g. ETAT
Votes overseas OUIS
What someone who is out might be in COMA
Where to spend birr ETHIOPIA
With 26-Down, it may be used in a pool STENO
___ gratuit (something done without apparent motive) ACTE