Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Apr 22 2012

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Clues Answers
'-- brother's keeper?' AMIMY
'-- Mir Bist Du Schšn' BEI
'Assuredly' YES
'For -- the Bell Tolls' WHOM
'Je t'--' (Fifi's 'I love you') AIME
'Keep -- yourself!' ITTO
'No' voter ANTI
'Norma --' RAE
'Terrible' guy IVAN
'The -- lama he's a priest': Nash, ONEL
'The noise of them that rejoice --': Isaiah 24:8 ENDETH
'Thwack!' BAM
'To Kill a Mockingbird' novelist HARPERLEE
'What's in --?' ANAME
'Yoo- --!' ('Hey!') HOO
-- -arms (soldier) MANAT
-- Space Telescope HUBBLE
1955 'Arabian Nights' adventure film SONOFSINBAD
Actress Pfeiffer DEDEE
Acute KEEN
Adj. modifier ADV
Alternative to a Roth IRA KEOGH
Angling pole ROD
Annual hoops drawing NBADRAFTLOTTERY
Betting slip IOU
Big name in car rental AVIS
Big name in contact lenses ACUVUE
Bird of myth ROC
Captivates ENAMORS
Catch cold NAB
Central courtyards ATRIA
Composer Kabalevsky DMITRI
County seat near Cedar Rapids IOWACITY
Cranston a.k.a. 'the Shadow' LAMONT
D flat's equivalent CSHARP
Dies away EBBS
Do a mailroom job PRESORT
Do followers REMI
Eggs in labs OVA
Emmy-winning Jane SEYMOUR
Fez dangler TASSEL
Filled up on ATE
First U.S. space station SKYLAB
Fish bait WORMS
Fitness guru Jack LALANNE
Flanders of Springfield NED
Foldout bed COT
Ford make, for short MERC
Former Golden Arches burger MCDLT
Frizzy hairdo AFRO
Frog's kin TOAD
Gave a blue ribbon, say AWARDED
Give the title DUB
Go wrong ERR
Green basil-based sauce PESTO
Guinness of 'Cromwell' ALEC
Hack (off) LOP
Horror maven Craven WES
Hotel giant HILTON
In a restless way UNEASILY
Injured oneself GOTHURT
Insult, in rap DIS
Internet pop-ups, e.g WEBADVERTISEMENTS
Intrepid type BRAVESOUL
It's breathed AIR
Joplin piece RAG
Jurist Robert BORK
Karel Capek sci-fi play RUR
Clues Answers
Kauai, e.g.: Abbr ISL
Kilt material TARTAN
Kin of 'Inc.' LTD
Lawn growth GRASS
Leopold's partner in crime LOEB
Lhasa -- (small dog) APSO
Libertarian presidential candidate of 2004 MICHAELBADNARIK
Lion chaser? ESS
Live ARE
Lurched side-to-side CAREENED
Marker bobbing on the water BUOY
Medieval lyric poets TROUBADOURS
Melodious passage ARIOSO
Microscopic TEENSY
Mouthpiece, tank, flippers, etc SCUBADIVINGGEAR
Mutt's noise GRR
Narc's find LSD
New Mexico tourist attraction CARLSBADCAVERNS
NHL's Bobby ORR
Nissan Xterra, e.g SUV
Obscured HID
Of the aorta, for example ARTERIAL
One crying 'Cut!': Abbr DIR
Part of many Arabic names IBN
Part of the Greater Toronto Area OSHAWA
Permafrost regions TUNDRAS
Pitcher Hideki -- IRABU
Plant ailment ROOTROT
Poker great Ungar STU
Political plot CABAL
Popeye's gal OYL
President Martin Van -- BUREN
Public prosperity WEAL
Quitter's cry ICANT
Real imp DEVIL
Red gems RUBIES
Regular visitor HABITUE
Rice -- PILAF
Rice and Curry TIMS
Russian autocrat TSAR
San Fran NFLer NINER
Scots' 'no' NAE
Scottish tyke BAIRN
Sculling tool OAR
Seek damages, perhaps SUE
Seems to last forever DRAGSON
Signals 'OK' NODS
Silvery fish SMELT
Simple vow IDO
Singer/guitarist John HIATT
Siouan tribe OMAHA
Sis' sibling BRO
Slick 50 rival STP
Smidgens TADS
Solo finish? IST
Sports side TEAM
Sugar suffix OSE
Suit's partner TIE
Suitor's gift ROSE
Summer, to Sartre ETE
Thin down DILUTE
This, in Avila ESTA
Trick-taking card, often ACE
Tube lover's punishment NOTV
Unit of force DYNE
West of old Hollywood MAE
Wisconsin, with 'the' BADGERSTATE
Wish undone RUE
Within reach NEARBY
Within reach ATHAND
World's lowest lake DEADSEA