Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Apr 8 2012

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Clues Answers
'-- ed Euridice' (opera) ORFEO
'-- hardly believe it!' ICAN
'-- homo!' ECCE
'A Simple Plan' director Sam RAIMI
'By the Time -- Phoenix' IGETTO
'Start playing the tune!' HITIT
'Step right up!' shouter CARNY
'That's more than I needed to know,' briefly TMI
'That's What Love --' (1991 Amy Grant hit) ISFOR
'The Stepford Wives' author Levin IRA
-- -Mart WAL
156, to Livy CLVI
Actor Arnaz DESI
Adding result SUM
Age-verifying cards IDS
Agee of the Miracle Mets TOMMIE
Almost-new NEARMINT
Angle measure in math RADIAN
Any 'Stayin' Alive' singer BEEGEE
Arctic chunk FLOE
As a result ERGO
Banned thing NONO
Bargain-priced ONSALE
Baseball Hall-of-Famer Carlton FISK
Baseball Hall-of-Famer Tony GWYNN
Basketballer Chamberlain WILT
Be pugilistic BOX
Be shown on TV AIR
Beatle buddy Sutcliffe STU
Beloved ADORED
Beseech BEG
Big Mac part BUN
Big name in pizza crust BOBOLI
Blood bank technician TYPER
Bopped on the noggin BEANED
Borgnine of the screen ERNEST
Bread baker's buy YEAST
Bug greatly IRK
Bugs, Daffy, or Elmer TOON
Buoyed (up) PERKED
Bushy-tailed rodent MARMOT
California's La -- Tar Pits BREA
Cavern effect ECHO
Coffee type ARABICA
Contend VIE
Convene again REMEET
Cream-filled pastries ECLAIRS
Cry loudly WAIL
DeLuise of film DOM
Dilapidated digs RATTRAP
Dir. from Reno to L.A SSE
Disregards IGNORES
Driver doing 90, say SPEEDER
Erupted SPEWED
Finest BEST
Fit together, as gears MESH
Flat contract LEASE
Free-swimming jellyfishes MEDUSAS
Game official UMP
Geraint's title SIR
Golda of Israel MEIR
Greasy of football NEALE
Holiday Inn alternative RAMADA
Ice cream portions SCOOPS
Impulse conductors NEURONS
In the -- Morpheus (asleep) ARMSOF
Intense ACUTE
iPad extras APPS
IRS enforcers TMEN
It's often left in a will ESTATE
Clues Answers
Just a -- TAD
K followers LMNO
Kill, as pain DEADEN
Latch (onto) GLOM
Leisure top TEE
Library array: Abbr BKS
Life leader? BIO
Lift from seismic action UPHEAVE
Lousy review PAN
Made lighter EASED
Maj.'s superior COL
Major fair EXPO
Maui neckwear LEI
Meet, as a challenge RISETO
Misstep ERR
Most affectionate FONDEST
Mother Teresa's city CALCUTTA
New --, Minnesota ULM
Oil well firefighter Red ADAIR
One being counseled ADVISEE
One of the Jackson 5 TITO
Pianists' dexterity exercises ETUDES
Prefix with realism NEO
Provide with the means ENABLE
Provo native UTAHN
Puccini's '-- Butterfly' MADAMA
Quick AOL exchanges IMS
Reluctant AVERSE
Rene of 'Tin Cup' RUSSO
Response to 'Who's there?' ITSI
Retailed (for) SOLD
Rival of JVC RCA
Rolling rock LAVA
Seat of Fayette County Iowa, WESTUNION
Sedaka of song NEIL
Seer's 'gift' ESP
Singer Brenda LEE
Soap buy BAR
Sothern of movies ANN
Stiff -- lip UPPER
Stipulations IFS
Study of verse writing POETICS
Stylist's goop GEL
Syllable after 'Mao' TSE
Syllables of meditation OMS
Tel --, Israel AVIV
That, in Cuba ESO
Thunderpeal CLAP
Tilex target SCUM
Truckloads ATON
Umbilical -- CORD
Unbudging ADAMANT
Unlock, to bards OPE
Urban rec facility YMCA
Vagrant BUM
Very long time period EON
Vodka alternative GIN
Weeding implement HOE
White rat, e.g ALBINO
Wolf Blitzer's channel CNN
Yard tools RAKES