Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Apr 4 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'-- Kapital' DAS
'A -- home is ...' MANS
'Discretion is the better part of --' VALOR
'Hail, Caesar!' AVE
'Help!' SOS
'My bad' OOPS
'The Seven Year Itch' star MARILYNMONROE
'Who ya -- call?' GONNA
Actress Cannon DYAN
Any of eight English kings HENRY
Arousing suspicion FISHY
Canonized Mlle STE
Charged bit ION
Cher's longtime partner SONNY
Classic comedy starring 13-Across SOMELIKEITHOT
Conclusion END
Construction site fastener RIVET
Creator MAKER
Cry of distress YOWL
Cupid's alias EROS
Day segments (Abbr.) HRS
Disgrace SHAME
Donkey ASS
Drones HUMS
Golf gizmo TEE
Hermit LONER
Clues Answers
Hindu princess RANI
Improve ENRICH
Japanese cartoon style ANIME
Just one of the bunch? GRAPE
Lube job OILING
Metric measures GRAMS
Michael Jackson prop GLOVE
Mistakes in print TYPOS
Moist in the morn DEWY
Ms. Brockovich ERIN
Noise DIN
Not as big SMALLER
Partner of fortune FAME
Perception INSIGHT
Piglets' papa BOAR
Prepared SET
Scored 100 on ACED
Shaft of light BEAM
Spring mo APR
Stay in one place, like a helicopter HOVER
Tried hard STROVE
Verifiable TRUE
Viscous GOOEY
Weep CRY
Yukon SUV manufacturer GMC