Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 25 2012

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Clues Answers
'-- free!' (hostage's cry) SETME
'-- pronounce you ...' INOW
'-- She Sweet' AINT
'-- we met?' HAVENT
'9 to 5' singer on an island? BALIPARTON
'Fiddle- --!' DEDEE
'Got it, bro' IDIG
'I did it!' TADA
'My Way' singer on an island? FRANKSUMATRA
'Sliver' novelist Levin IRA
'Smooth Operator' singer SADE
-- -Croatian SERBO
-- -wire fence BARBED
-- and aahs OOHS
-- Canal ERIE
-- flight (go by plane) HOPA
-- Reader (magazine name) UTNE
1939 Oscar winner on an island? GUAMWITHTHEWIND
1980s puzzle fad on an island? RUBIKSCUBA
Actor Foxx JAMIE
Affluent outlying area EXURB
Air circulator FAN
Amino acid supplement popular with bodybuilders CREATINE
Antiquing aid AGER
Arctic covering ICECAP
Assents to OKS
Atkins of country CHET
Atop, to bards OER
Author Zora -- Hurston NEALE
Barbecue botherer ANT
Baseball's Hodges GIL
Battles it out WARS
Bearing MIEN
Bind legally OBLIGE
Black piano keys, informally EBONIES
Boot-sole reinforcer HOBNAIL
Carry to extremes OVERDO
Chain of hills RIDGE
Chair or pew SEAT
Church recess APSE
Deli meat BOLOGNA
Disaffirms DENIES
Dog's sound ARF
Drawer of needlessly complex machines on an island? ARUBAGOLDBERG
Engendered BRED
EntrŽe, e.g MEAL
Event for socializing with a celebrity on an island? MEETANDCRETE
Event for the accused TRIAL
Executes DOES
Feel weak in the heat SWELTER
Feels in one's bones SENSES
Filling fully SATING
Former HHS chief Donna SHALALA
Fungi in a supermarket YEAST
Gambit PLOY
George Bush's rival in 2000 ALGORE
Great acclamation ECLAT
Guitar's kin LUTE
Gym rat's 'six-pack' ABS
Hollywood's West MAE
Holy Mlle STE
Huge crowd HORDE
Impart gradually INSTILL
Ivory, e.g SOAP
Keep an -- the ground EARTO
Kimono securers OBIS
Kind of PC screen LCD
Clues Answers
Lead-in for skeleton EXO
Leg bender KNEE
Lerner's 'My Fair Lady' collaborator LOEWE
Limy vodka cocktails GIMLETS
Little kiss PECK
Lowell or Tan AMY
Lowly types PEONS
Made haste SPED
Make a case against? SUE
Make the effort TRY
Mine car TRAM
Mineo of 'Tonka' SAL
Minicam button abbr REC
Moral system ETHIC
More cagey SLIER
More suggestive of an equine HORSIER
Mucky earth MIRE
Mule's father ASS
Musical practice piece ETUDE
Musician Eno BRIAN
Mštley -- CRUE
Not far off NEARBY
Not made up for, as sins UNATONED
Notre -- DAME
Ostrich relative RHEA
Paradoxes ENIGMAS
Peace award NOBEL
Perplexed LOST
Person swearing CURSER
Pol Sarah PALIN
Prefix for 'half' HEMI
Prefix with fit RETRO
Puma rival ADIDAS
Put on a detour REROUTE
Radio personalities DJS
Radio spots ADS
Replenish RENEW
Revolving AWHIRL
Round Table address SIR
Russian vodka brand, for short STOLI
Short play or opera ONEACTER
Site for a cyberauction EBAY
Skull caps? SCALPS
Snakelike fish EEL
Snaky shape ESS
Solving aid CLUE
Sorrowful SAD
Sounds from steam irons HISSES
Spring farm machines SEEDERS
Stereotypical lab assistant IGOR
Still kicking ALIVE
Switzerland's capital, to the French BERNE
Sys -- ADMIN
Tank filler GAS
Tatami, e.g MAT
Terminations ENDS
Test of inner courage GUTCHECK
Top dog on an island? HEADHONSHU
Tundra or rain forest BIOME
Units of resistance OHMS
Using both TV and radio on an island? MALTAMEDIA
Versatile furniture item SOFABED
Viola relative CELLO
Was overly fond of DOTEDON
Wilde who's often quoted OSCAR
Will concern ESTATE
Winter holiday cry on an island? MAUICHRISTMAS