Boston Globe - Mar 11 2012

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Here's to...' gesture TOAST
'Hulk' actor's granny? BANANANA
'Pick someone else!' NOTME
'Step __!' ONIT
'Take __ at this!' ALOOK
'Tastes so good!' YUMMY
'The Queen' star MIRREN
'Walk Like __' AMAN
... and his dad ADAM
1975 hit by 51-Across SOS
1997 Fonda role ULEE
2011 hurricane IRENE
39-Across band ABBA
Act histrionically EMOTE
Advanced degs PHDS
Altar approaches NAVES
Amahl's creator MENOTTI
Aquifer feeder RAIN
Auction action BID
Author of 'Blonde' OATES
Avoid wasting REUSE
Ballgame blowouts ROUTS
Ballot ID DEM
Barfly SOT
Baton Rouge sch LSU
Be of assistance AVAIL
Beaver Cleaver's given name THEODORE
Big separation GULF
Big, wild party BASH
Bon __ MOT
Bone's bracer SPLINT
Breed of steed ARAB
Brit's boob tube TELLY
Calming words to Ms. Russell? THERETHERETHERESA
Capital on the Skagerrak OSLO
Certain time of month IDES
Chairwoman's address MADAM
Charming seducers VAMPS
Cheddar on the mild side LONGHORN
Chin feature CLEFT
Coat of frost RIME
Completely level RAZE
Composition uniter THEME
Conical domicile TEPEE
Discontent among primates? LEMURMURMUR
Disgusting stuff GUCK
Dorothy's pet bag? TOTOTOTE
Drained of color ASHEN
Dunderhead's 'oops' DOH
Dwarf shrub or its habitat HEATH
Early boy.. SETH
Easier to count FEWER
Eleven digits? ONES
Elvers all grown up EELS
Error's partner TRIAL
Far from lightweight HEFTY
Farewell snack? TATATAPAS
Fathered SIRED
Feat involving tricks SLAM
Feathery high-stepping dance? TOUCANCANCAN
First among Italians PRIMO
Florence's __ Vecchio PONTE
Get word HEAR
Graphic emblem LOGO
Grind, as teeth GNASH
Hammered ringer GONG
Hard Italian cheese ASIAGO
Hastens HIES
Houdini feat ESCAPE
Hues or pitches TONES
In the public eye SEEN
Kahlo's abstract art? FRIDADADA
Clues Answers
Land near Moab EDOM
Latin for 'sand' ARENA
Let loose a low MOOED
Letters in genetics RNA
Libertine's opposite PRUDE
Like tarantulas HAIRY
Marine colony former CORAL
Med. care provider HMO
Miata maker MAZDA
Mother of Ares HERA
Mount of Moses SINAI
Nelson-penned Cline hit CRAZY
New Jersey town's official cheer? RAHRAHRAHWAY
No short story SAGA
Norse thunder god THOR
Nutritional amt RDA
Nuts about stretching? YOGAGAGA
Old Scratch SATAN
Olympic jabber EPEE
On-line guffaw LOL
One of Henry's Catherines PARR
One with deadly allure SIREN
Ostrich cousin EMU
Over-the-Monster shot HOMER
Over-the-top fads MANIAS
Painter of haystacks MONET
Past-prime fellow GEEZER
Patriot Tom BRADY
Persian product RUG
Philosopher Langer SUSANNE
Pioneering ISP AOL
Prefatory words INTRO
Product of decay PTOMAINE
Put pedal to metal GOFAST
Put the kibosh on VETO
Quick to bristle SURLY
Rock found in sheets MICA
Running on fumes EMPTY
Said 'W-h-e-a-t'? SPELT
Sci-fi's Ellison HARLAN
Sculling gear OAR
Short on showers ARID
Signify DENOTE
Site of a leaner PISA
Small shoot SPRIG
Soon, quaintly ANON
Spot of land in the Thames? ISISISLE
Stanley Ann Dunham? OBAMAMAMA
Starr of comics BRENDA
Sweeties' meeting TRYST
Taxonomic groups PHYLA
Tear into pieces REND
Tex-Mex fare TACOS
The usual state NORMALCY
Thesaurus name ROGET
Ticking off Tony, say? SOPRANONONO
Tip for a writer? NIB
Too pungent ACRID
Top prize GOLD
Tuneful Hawaiian laughter? DONHOHOHO
Under a cloud GLOOMY
Unrefined minerals ORES
Verdi aria meaning 'It was you' ERITU
View from Vesuvius NAPLES
Well-mannered Post EMILY
Wildebeest GNU
Woody vines LIANAS
Words after 'ready' ORNOT
Wrap for a bum? DIAPER
__ de plume NOM
__ king ALA
__ Lingus AER