Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Feb 12 2012

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Clues Answers
'A Streetcar Named Desire' director Kazan ELIA
'Doggone!' DRAT
'Labor -- vincit' (Oklahoma's motto) OMNIA
'Law & Order' detective Briscoe LENNIE
'Lord Jim star Peter' OTOOLE
'MMMBop' boy band HANSON
'Parade' penner Satie ERIK
'The Prophecy' co-star Koteas ELIAS
-- it ride LET
Accept the loss, in slang EATIT
Acquired pop STEPDAD
Actor Paul who played Victor Laszlo HENREID
Adam's partner EVE
American patriot Silas DEANE
Atop, to a poet OER
Batting game for tots TBALL
Be cruising SAIL
Big chipmaker INTEL
Big stink MALODOR
Big stink ADO
Bog grass REED
Build up GAIN
Bullring call OLE
Bureaucratic busywork REDTAPE
Catch, as a perp NAB
Circus site ARENA
Civil War side UNION
Conveyed via a tube DUCTED
Coup d'-- (uprising) ETAT
Cross in hieroglyphics ANKH
Dawdle LAG
Disney mermaid's name ARIEL
E-mail button SEND
East Indian flatbread NAN
Emmy winner Baldwin ALEC
End of the riddle WHATWOULDHEDO
Equal business associate COPARTNER
Erie, for one CANAL
Eyeball ORB
Filmmaker WertmŸller LINA
Fleming or McEwan IAN
Flier's home NEST
Floodwater of a stream FLOWAGE
Former Web reference from Microsoft ENCARTA
Forum wrap TOGA
Fraternity letter RHO
French coin EURO
French writer ƒmile ZOLA
Fruit waste STEM
Garciaparra of baseball NOMAR
Garr of Hollywood TERI
Greek salad morsel OLIVE
Guileful SLY
Have a tiff ARGUE
Her look was petrifying MEDUSA
Heroic act DEED
Hold title to OWN
Holy Mother MARY
How thumbs are twiddled IDLY
In a caftan ROBED
Inaptitude for music TINEAR
Incision reminder SCAR
Inferior vena -- CAVA
iPad downloads APPS
Irreverent PROFANE
Is of use to AVAILS
Itty bit IOTA
Jack of 'City Slickers' PALANCE
James Clavell's '-- -Pan' TAI
Clues Answers
Jumbo tubs VATS
Ken or Lena of Hollywood OLIN
Kind of pie PECAN
Lady friend, in Lyons AMIE
Largest city in Cyprus NICOSIA
Like hammy acting EMOTIVE
Like some snowy hills SKIABLE
Lilylike garden plant HOSTA
Lovers' god EROS
Lunch, e.g MEAL
Mamba, e.g SNAKE
Man Friday AIDE
Middle name of Presley ARON
Mint output CASH
Module UNIT
Mouselike rodent VOLE
Neighbor of a Liberian GUINEAN
Neither go-with NOR
Nerds' cousins GEEKS
Nero's 602 DCII
Next-to-last Greek letter PSI
Nonethical AMORAL
Ogreish MEAN
Old Missouri natives OSAGES
One giving counsel ADVISER
One reuning ALUM
Operatic highlight ARIA
Oshawa's prov ONT
Photocopier additive TONER
Pixie-esque ELFIN
Pulitzer-winning playwright William INGE
Riddle, part 2 SEIZEAGROUPOF
Satyric look LEER
Sauna sitter's sigh AAH
See 59-Down OFF
Seraph, say ANGEL
Slimy veggie OKRA
Small vortex EDDY
Smoothing tool SANDER
Snowy birds OWLS
Soprano Lehmann LILLI
Specialized market NICHE
Spongy ball brand NERF
Statistics DATA
Steak cut TBONE
Stick shift selections GEARS
Suffix with lion or priest ESS
Surprise candidate DARKHORSE
Sweet red liqueur SLOEGIN
The 'A' of UAW, briefly AUTO
Tip of a pen NIB
Tivoli's Villa d'-- ESTE
Toast SEAR
Travels like Huck Finn RAFTS
Truancy, e.g ABSENCE
Typing class stat WPM
University of -- Dame NOTRE
Unlike a people person ASOCIAL
Unposed photos CANDIDS
Up high ALOFT
Weapons ARMS
With 35-Down leave in a hurry, RUN
Worked hard LABORED