- Feb 9 2012

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Clues Answers
''. . .Rich and Famous'' host ROBINLEACH
''Cheers'' star RHEAPERLMAN
''Goodness!'' MYMY
''Norma Rae'' director MARTINRITT
3-D exam MRI
401(k) alternative IRA
Actor Kutcher ASHTON
Actress __ Rachel Wood EVAN
Broach, as a subject GOINTO
Brother of Moses AARON
Casino game KENO
Cave dweller BAT
Change color again REDYE
Computer data INPUT
Conversant with UPON
Copycat's comment METOO
Daughter on ''The Cosby Show'' RAVENSYMONE
Do darning MEND
Don't stay in one place ROVE
Door buster RAM
Electronic dance-music genre TECHNO
Entice TEMPT
Exotic flower ORCHID
Explosive initials TNT
Farm soil EARTH
Film music SCORE
Futures dealer? SEER
Groundbreaking tool HOE
Hawaiian hi ALOHA
HDTV brand RCA
Idea's beginning SEED
Insurance-claim detail DAMAGE
Italian wine SOAVE
Jai __ ALAI
Largest African urban region CAIRO
Last place, so to speak CELLAR
Legal claim LIEN
Major DC lobby THENRA
Make needed adjustments COPE
Clues Answers
Make needed adjustments ADAPT
Meal with matzo SEDER
Michaels of ''Saturday Night Live'' LORNE
Minor declines DIPS
Nike competitor FILA
Offended HURT
Online shopper's basket CART
Oscar-winning rapper EMINEM
Othello's adversary IAGO
Overfill SATE
Pal in the 'hood HOMIE
Place for a plug EAR
Place to testify STAND
Poker winnings POT
Praiseful verse ODE
Private eye GUMSHOE
Roll-call response HERE
Salon jobs PERMS
Sculpting medium STONE
Sector AREA
Seismological event TREMOR
Service-station supply GREASE
Shakespearean forest ARDEN
Solo of ''Star Wars'' HAN
Soon, to Shelley ANON
Stable dweller MARE
Sullen one MOPER
Surrounded by AMID
Swelled heads EGOS
They may be cultured PEARLS
Tibetan priest LAMA
Title equivalent to count EARL
Tuna holder CAN
Two-person TANDEM
Untamed FERAL
Wall St. news IPO
Went back on one's word RENEGED
Yahoo! rival AOL