Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 16 2011

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Clues Answers
'-- Miserables' LES
'Yippee!' OHBOY
1849 California event GOLDRUSH
A billion years (Var.) AEON
Actress Sela WARD
Analogy mark COLON
Appear SEEM
Bachelor's final utterance IDO
Basin accessory EWER
Beauty spot MOLE
Campus digs DORM
Cohort of Behar and Hasselbeck GOLDBERG
Commotion ADO
Commotion STIR
Complaint BEEF
Create MAKE
Day divs HRS
Director Almod—var PEDRO
Doo follower DAH
Emanation AURA
Entryway DOOR
Epidermis SKIN
Equal PEER
Eye layer UVEA
Festive GAY
Former European capital BONN
Go by bicycle PEDAL
Great lake ERIE
Guitars' smaller kin UKES
Have debts OWE
Clues Answers
Huffed and puffed BLEW
Humongous BIG
Junior SON
Lotion additive ALOE
Man-mouse link ORA
Mess up ERR
Neither mate NOR
Newspaper page OPED
One of the Jackson 5 TITO
Paris airport eponym DEGAULLE
Pepperidge Farms favorites GOLDFISH
Potential pickle, for short CUKE
Present HERE
Pungent dish in Indian cuisine CURRY
Put into words STATE
Sailing vessel YAWL
Satchel BAG
Shirk work MALINGER
Shopping centers MALLS
Source of wealth GOLDMINE
Start over REDO
Stead LIEU
Teensy bit ATOM
Thick slice SLAB
Took to the skies FLEW
Troubadour's instrument LUTE
Trusty mount STEED
Type measures ENS
Unfriendly COLD
Vicinity AREA
Winter transport SLED
Zip up, maybe FASTEN