Universal - Dec 11 2011

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Clues Answers
"Dragonwyck" author Seton ANYA
"Pet" sources of irritation PEEVES
"That clears it up" ISEE
"___ be sorry!" YOULL
Abbrs. on city maps STS
Act like a hot dog? PANT
An ideally perfect place UTOPIA
Appetizer or entree DISH
Base truant AWOL
Be overflowing ABOUND
Bric-a-____ BRAC
Canned meat brand SPAM
Cartoon collectible CEL
Certain Fords TEMPOS
Civil War soldier in gray REB
Company abbr., sometimes INC
Compass direction opposite NNW SSE
Country's McEntire REBA
D.D.E. two-time presidential opponent AES
Discourage from proceeding DETER
Disreputable newspaper RAG
Disrespects SASSES
Doesn't go to a restaurant EATSIN
Donkey, sound-wise BRAYER
Donned again REWORE
Downright mean ORNERY
E Street Band guitarist Lofgren NILS
Eclipses and comets, to some OMENS
Econ. measure for a country GNP
First day day of Christmas arrival (with 55-Across) PARTRIDGEINA
Fourth day of Christmas arrivals CALLINGBIRDS
Gay Nineties, for one ERA
Gin-maker Whitney ELI
Golfer from South Africa ERNIEELS
Having missed the boat? ASHORE
He's a Hur BEN
Initiated STARTED
It can be a real blast TNT
Clues Answers
Jacques of French cinema TATI
Key below Z, on PCs ALT
Little white lie FIB
Many a puzzle clue ending in "?" PUN
Mayflower Compact signer John ALDEN
Medieval launcher CATAPULT
Medium's claim ESP
Men and women, boys and girls HUMANS
Most embarrassed, colorwise REDDEST
Mother with a Nobel Prize TERESA
Namesake of OWN OPRAH
Not requiring COD PPD
One-fifth of MMV CDI
Overseer of NYC subways MTA
Oversized BIG
Places for pledges FRATS
Poseidon's province SEA
Remote battery size, perhaps AAA
Revolutionary rider Paul REVERE
Rudolph's bright feature REDNOSE
Rugged mountain ranges SIERRAS
Sawbucks TENS
Second day of Christmas arrivals (with 38-Across) TURTLE
See 28-Down HENS
See 32-Across DOVES
See 50-Across PEARTREE
Sharp mountain ridge ARETE
Spinks and Uris LEONS
Stated further ADDED
Swift heroine of Greek myth ATALANTA
The "S" in CBS (Abbr.) SYS
They arrived on the third day (with 35-Across) FRENCH
TV broadcast band UHF
Word with "first" or "financial" AID
Workers who cross the line SCABS
Writer's cramp, e.g SPASM
___ Dan (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band) STEELY
___ lane (carpoolers' convenience) HOV