New York Times - Dec 8 2011

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Clues Answers
'84 Super Bowl victor LARAIDER
'A Clockwork Orange' narrator ALEX
'My country, ___ ...' TIS
'Psst!' HEY
90° from sur ESTE
A in German class? EIN
Active military conflicts HOTWARS
Algonquian tribe CREE
Anderson who directed 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' WES
Anti-Bond org KGB
Balance provider, for short ATM
Big D cager MAV
Bird sound COO
Bit of dust MOTE
Blotto LIT
Bureaucratic hoops REDTAPE
Celestial body ORB
Cobbler's need AWL
Dash reading: Abbr MPH
Do a dog trick BEG
Einstein's 'never' NIE
Emotional outburst PAROXYSM
Fire drill activity, briefly EVAC
Flock female EWE
Gambol about PRANCE
Gen ___ XER
Gets perfectly NAILS
Good listener? EAR
Half-___ (coffee order) CAF
Headquarters for UBS and Credit Suisse ZURICH
How a card sharp plays SLYLY
It comes in a chicken variety POX
It has many rods REACTOR
Jason who sang 'I'm Yours,' 2008 MRAZ
Less convoluted PLAINER
Male gland PROSTATE
Clues Answers
N.H.L. great Patrick ROY
Neighbor of Suriname GUYANA
Niña's title: Abbr SRTA
No. with a decimal GPA
Old Apple product marketed to schools EMAC
Ones at the pole positions? ICECAPS
Online tech news resource CNET
Parts of el día HORAS
Pinches NABS
Prefix with center EPI
Princess' headwear CORONET
Rendezvous TRYSTS
Renée of silent films ADOREE
Rockefeller Center muralist SERT
Roundish with an irregular border AMOEBIC
Santa's little ___ HELPER
Schubert masterpiece AVEMARIA
Sequence with two hyphens: Abbr SSN
So so? VERY
Start of a spelling? HOCUS
Struggle over a purse PRIZEFIGHT
Tart, in a way LEMONY
They're standard NORMS
Uncivilized BARBARIC
Use a divining rod DOWSE
Very willing GLAD
Violinist Leopold AUER
W.W. II female WAC
Ward worker ORDERLY
Went downhill GOTWORSE
[See circled letters] COMMERCIALCOW
[See circled letters] ITEMTORECYCLE
[See circled letters] GREENVICE
[See circled letters] ABREEZE
[See circled letters] EVENONE
___ Park (Pirates' stadium) PNC