L.A. Times Daily - Dec 7 2011

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Clues Answers
"Affirmative!" NOARGUMENT
"Affirmative!" IMSUREOFIT
"Affirmative!" AMEN
"Beetle Bailey" dog OTTO
"Ciao!" SEEYA
"Deal!" AGREED
"It could go either way" IJUSTCANTDECIDE
"Negative!" NOTAPRAYER
"Negative!" UHUH
"Negative!" INAPIGSEYE
"Stat!" relative ASAP
"The Thorn Birds," e.g SAGA
1975 seminal green movement novel by Ernest Callenbach ECOTOPIA
Atlanta-based health org CDC
Bandleader Tito PUENTE
Bank products LOANS
Bar fixture ALETAP
Block or stock suffix ADE
Bodybuilder's pride ABS
Border Patrol city of the Southwest YUMA
Bridge seats EASTS
Bright lobbies ATRIA
Carpenter's tool PLANE
Colorful fish TETRAS
Come out EMERGE
Cribbage marker PEG
Crossed (out) XED
Devoted TRUE
Director Brooks MEL
Down on one's luck NEEDY
Down Under st TASM
Drill command HALT
DVD button EJECT
Eastern royal RANI
Endure LAST
Excellent, in modern slang DEF
Fictional salesman LOMAN
Clues Answers
Fireplace receptacle ASHPIT
Former boomer, briefly SST
Frankenstein's creator SHELLEY
Give or take, e.g VERB
Hampers BINS
Hiker's map, casually TOPO
Japanese noodle dish RAMEN
Jazz pianist Allison MOSE
Lifesavers, for short EMTS
Mattress feature TAG
More cunning SLYER
More than that THOSE
Nav. rank ENS
Oil, informally TEXASTEA
Others, in Oaxaca OTROS
Ouzo flavoring ANISE
Performed terribly STANKAT
Post-WWII nuclear org AEC
Pres. Carter, e.g DEM
Rolls rollers TYRES
Sacred scrolls TORAHS
Second, e.g UNIT
Shape (up) TONE
Shiny fabrics SATEENS
Shooter GUN
Short cut SNIP
Snarl noises HONKS
Social worker ANT
Staff sign REST
Swipe COP
Tape, perhaps VIDEO
They may be hard to crack SAFES
Thurman of film UMA
Times for les vacances ETES
Torpedo, or its launcher SUB
Twosome DUO
Yellowfin tuna AHI
Zebra on a field REF
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