Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 4 2011

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Clues Answers
'-- & Hutch' STARSKY
'-- -haw!' YEE
'... hear -- drop' APIN
'John King, USA' airer CNN
'Presto!' kin VOILA
'Well, let me think ...' HMM
'Where do ('It's a deal!') --?!' ISIGN
-- -friendly (green) ECO
-- -Pei (dog breed) SHAR
-- acid (fat compound) OLEIC
-- Canals SOO
-- Field (Mets' stadium) CITI
-- Juan SAN
-- with faint praise DAMN
--> or <-- ARROW
1-1 and 7-7 TIES
A heptad of mischievous sprites turned laterally? SEVENSIDEWAYSGREMLINS
A wife of Chaplin OONA
Actor Sam NEILL
Agcy. that helps mom-and-pops SBA
Allow to enter LETIN
Angel player Cheryl LADD
Annoy a lot HARASS
As many as ATMOST
Asia's Strait of -- MALACCA
Astrologer Dixon JEANE
Be sickly AIL
Beginning ltr INIT
Bible book after Amos OBADIAH
Bullring yells OLES
C.S. Lewis' magical land NARNIA
Cards for soothsayers TAROTS
Charlotte -- (capital of the Virgin Islands) AMALIE
Citrus fruit TANGELO
City in Texas WACO
Clean a spill MOPUP
Connected group of a World War II general's combat units? PATTONPLATOONNETWORK
Connecting land strip ISTHMUS
Dawber and Anderson PAMS
Driver's license, e.g PHOTOID
Equine, in tot-speak HORSEY
Exposes by finking RATSON
Father deer SIRE
Fiji is in it OCEANIA
Fit for eating EDIBLE
Flat floaters RAFTS
Fly of Kenya TSETSE
Food fishes TUNAS
Football great Tony DORSETT
From -- B ATO
Go uninvited to a nightclub show in an Asian ethnic district? CRASHCHINATOWNCABARET
Golfer Calvin PEETE
Great Plains natives OTOS
H.S. junior's exam PSAT
Hit -- (really go places) ITBIG
Hogtie an old Roman fighter? ROPEUPGLADIATOR
Homer Simpson cry DOH
Hoover or Dyson, for short VAC
Hoppy brew ALE
Hot winter drinks COCOAS
Idyllic place XANADU
Immense HUGE
In a funk LOW
Itty-bitty drink SIP
Kind of tide NEAP
Lament MOAN
Latin 'and others' ETALIA
Lauder of perfumery ESTEE
Levy again RETAX
Clues Answers
Light-varying switch DIMMER
Like juicy biographies TELLALL
Lima's home OHIO
Lion tail? ESS
Listerine rival SCOPE
Little pouch SAC
Llama cousin ALPACA
Long deeply PINE
Love, in Dijon AMOUR
Makes slant SKEWS
Man- -- bird OWAR
MDs' group HMO
Memorial bio OBIT
Mentally ill Martian yaks it up? PSYCHOALIENJAWS
Moby Dick's adversary AHAB
Most crude RAWEST
Mrs. Alfred Hitchcock ALMA
Nada NIL
Often-purple flowers IRISES
Old art style DECO
One of two in 'crocus' HARDC
Painter Fra Filippo -- LIPPI
Palme -- (film award) DOR
Park fixtures SEESAWS
Part of I/O OUTPUT
Partner of to FRO
Paws, e.g FEET
Pensioned: Abbr RET
Pert. to finances FISC
Phony type POSEUR
Produced by its own staff INHOUSE
Put tears in RIP
Quipster WIT
Really big souvenir given to a trick-or-treater? GIANTHALLOWEENMEMENTO
Relative of largo LENTO
Rocker Ric of the Cars OCASEK
Saintly HOLY
Sanders and Klink: Abbr COLS
Screenplay SCENARIO
Screwball comic Philips EMO
Sit in (for) SUB
Sitar piece RAGA
Slope LEAN
Small domes CUPOLAS
Smyrna fruits FIGS
Sound setup STEREO
Source of healthful fatty acids FISHOIL
South end? ERN
Stock's kin BOND
Stunning weapons TASERS
Suffix with Brit or Turk ISH
Sweetie pie HON
Tabulae -- (blank slates) RASAE
Tail ends REARS
Tapioca-yielding plants CASSAVAS
Taverns INNS
The 'U' of CPU or BTU UNIT
The Gem State: Abbr IDA
Theater tickets, informally DUCATS
Throat-infecting bug STREP
Truthfulness HONESTY
TV chef who 'can cook' YAN
Understand SEE
Urge on PROD
Vast sand hill in Central Park? TITANICMANHATTANDUNE
Viper type ASP
Whirlpool SWIRL
Yellow pool rack item ONEBALL