Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Nov 30 2011

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Clues Answers
'-- the ramparts ...' OER
'Certainly' YES
Actor Harrison REX
Animal stomachs CRAWS
Atoned for EXPIATED
Away from WSW ENE
Base runner's goal HOME
Bikini half BRA
BlackBerry, for ex PDA
Burn somewhat CHAR
Camel's cousin LLAMA
Capri, for one ISLE
Central MID
Coaster SLED
Commotion ADO
Crucifixes ROODS
Crystal-lined rock GEODE
Danson and Nugent TEDS
Despondent SAD
Eggs OVA
Equipment GEAR
Exam format ORAL
Fashion MODE
Fats Domino's 'Ain't That --' ASHAME
Festive GAY
Frizzy coiffure AFRO
Furniture store chain IKEA
Hardy cabbage KALE
Heroic verse EPOS
Historic period ERA
Information NEWS
Kicked out of school EXPELLED
Laid-back MELLOW
Clues Answers
Lion's share MOST
Long skirt MAXI
Louis -- XIV
Make tea BREW
Mid-month date IDES
Mimic APER
Moreover AND
Mosque bigwig IMAM
Newspaper page OPED
Norway's capital OSLO
Obliterated EXPUNGED
Omega preceder PSI
Pump up the volume AMP
Puppeteer Lewis SHARI
Rams fans? EWES
Rhyming tribute ODE
Scale member SOL
Showroom sample DEMO
Sleep phenom REM
Source of wealth LODE
Start over REDO
Still, in verse EEN
Supermarket section AISLE
Swiss peaks ALPS
Took the bus RODE
Took to the skies FLEW
Tosses in ADDS
Undergo without yielding ENDURE
Venomous vipers ASPS
Went boom EXPLODED
What to call an English nobleman MILORD
World's fair EXPO