New York Times - Nov 24 2011

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Clues Answers
'That's revolting!' UGH
Almost never RARELY
Alphabet quartet EFGH
Anchorites LONERS
Ancient Egyptian talisman SCARAB
Be in a lineup BAT
Bills, e.g CASH
Billy the Kid or Jesse James OUTLAW
Canceled ... or a hint to answering 17-, 27-, 34-, 45- and 57-Across NOGO
Cantina vessel OLLA
Carryall TOTE
Chargers' org AFC
Deteriorate TOTHEDOGS
Dr. No's org SPECTRE
Draftsman's need ERASER
Enclothe TOG
Feeling stood-up, say SORE
Feudal lord LIEGE
Fictional character who declares 'Sleep? ... I do not sleep, I die' AHAB
Follow everyone else WITHTHEFLOW
Gems, precious metals, etc., in Spain TESORO
Gerard of 'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century' GIL
German direction OST
Hardly like a he-man GIRLIE
Heavenly home of the Norse gods ASGARD
I, in old Rome EGO
In regard to ANENT
It may be assumed ALIAS
Italian code of silence OMERTA
Jet pilot's wear GSUIT
Juanita's 'this' ESTA
Letter addendum, for short PPS
Moves furtively STEALS
Mrs. Forsyte in 'The Forsyte Saga' IRENE
Much of a flock EWES
Clues Answers
Musical cuts? GROOVES
Nobelist Niels BOHR
Not vary from proper procedure BYTHEBOOK
Old West trading post FORT
Parts causing paper cuts, say EDGES
Period with a tilde? ANO
Piglet's pal ROO
Practically in one's face UPCLOSE
Pranks, in a way, informally TPS
Prosecutor's burden PROOF
Put on again REENACT
Queens stadium name ASHE
Real estate figure AREA
Rum-laced cake BABA
S-shaped holder POTHOOK
Scrape (out) EKE
Searcher's cry ISEEIT
Send private messages? SEXT
Soccer injury site SHIN
Something to settle OLDSCORE
Standard means of recovery from an illness BEDREST
Stravinsky and Sikorsky IGORS
Take things way too far OVERTHETOP
Titles of respect SRIS
Transportation mode AIR
Transportation mode RAIL
Tribe that lent its name to a canal ERIE
TV's Francis and others ARLENES
Vodka drink, informally COSMO
Waiting room query WHOSNEXT
___ time TEE
___-Ball SKEE