Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Nov 19 2011

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Clues Answers
'Blithe Spirit' writer NOELCOWARD
'Casablanca' pianist SAM
'Fidelio' is one OPERA
'The Naked Maja' painter GOYA
1991 movie, 'Mississippi --' MASALA
Antenna AERIAL
Bankroll WAD
Banned pesticide DDT
Bill's partner COO
Bleacherite's cry RAH
Body art, familiarly TATS
Capone foe NESS
Capri, e.g ISLE
Catcher's place? RYE
Census statistic AGE
Chop HEW
Civil War faction (Abbr.) CSA
Count counterpart EARL
Decay ROT
Detergent brand ERA
Differently ELSE
Distort SKEW
Donkey ASS
Embellish richly GILD
Enthusiastic, plus AGOG
Eterne EER
Exist ARE
Eye part LENS
Eye part IRIS
Flight formation VEE
Foolish SILLY
Clues Answers
For some time AWHILE
Former Democratic Party chair HOWARDDEAN
Go in search of prey PROWL
Henry -- VIII
Hindu wrapper SARI
In medias -- RES
Information DATA
Insight APERCU
Laugh-a-minute RIOT
Like some seals EARED
List-ending abbr ETAL
Lofty HIGH
Missile shelter SILO
Ostentatious display AIRS
Persia, now IRAN
Plankton component ALGA
Pre-diploma hurdle EXAM
Provo's place UTAH
Raw rock ORE
Sax type ALTO
Scruff NAPE
Secant's reciprocal (Abbr.) COS
Singer Tori AMOS
Spinning stat RPM
Stimulant drug, for short METH
Theater box LOGE
To the skies UPWARD
Wheelbase terminus AXLE
Yang counterpart YIN