- Nov 19 2011

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Clues Answers
''Couleur d'émeraude'' VERT
''Dang!'' OHFUDGE
''Go Beyond Borders'' sloganeer CNN
''No more lip!'' STOWIT
''Two Years Before the Mast'' author DANA
''We'll taunt you __ you all turn blue'': ''Spamalot'' TIL
29-day month in 2011 RAMADAN
About 3,000,000 inhabitants of France ARABS
Ad-hoc collection LOT
Anti-bullfighting org PETA
Approached surreptitiously RANUPON
Band leader, at times MAJORETTE
Birds named for their love of flax seeds LINNETS
Call at home SAFE
Cloven INTWO
Communication trademark since '99 WIFI
Confusing route MAZE
Cube creator's technique ORIGAMI
Disconcert AWE
Disparity GAP
Doctor's order EKGTEST
Dress style NOWAIST
Empty talk ROT
Enters without knocking BARGESIN
Former British colony ADEN
Former Davis Cup sponsor NEC
Had the floor ORATED
Hang-up SNAG
It had its second IPO in '99 AOL
Jerk TUG
John's ''Timeless Love Story'' AIDA
Lack the skill CANNOT
Left behind FORSOOK
Clues Answers
Monumental EPIC
Mythical tapestry artisan ARACHNE
Names seen on Smithsonian walls DONORS
NY home of ''Christina's World'' MOMA
Piqued, with 58 Across ASMADAS
Pop-art precursor DADAIST
Present NONCE
Psychologically expansive FREEING
Pub sample WEEDROP
Quaint transport HORSECAB
Risk taker's thought DOIDARE
See 37 Down AWETHEN
Ship's ropes CORDAGE
Sincere or insincere approval GREAT
Sophocles play AJAX
Source of urban pride SKYLINE
Spherical edibles ROE
Staples alternative OFFICEMAX
Stockholm's patron STERIC
Subject of Tacitus' ''Annals'' NERO
Succeeded GONEFAR
Take up USE
The works ALLOFIT
Three-part foot ANAPEST
Times ERAS
Unresolved DEBATABLE
Unsurpassingly unoriginal STALEST
V.I. Warshawski, for one DET
Whom Brits call ''brickies'' MASONS
With extra info ANNOTATED
With stars in one's eyes? DAZEDLY