New York Times - Oct 29 2011

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Clues Answers
'Mottke the Thief' novelist, 1935 ASCH
'Sid the Science Kid' network PBS
'Wayne's World 2' actor James HONG
Ado Annie, e.g GAL
Ado Annie, e.g OKIE
Aid in relieving xerostomia GUM
Aircraft propellers without moving parts RAMJETS
Attachable bulletin ENEWSLETTER
Banks with many spreads TYRA
Barely visible art collection? NUDES
Base in Anne Arundel County: Abbr FTMEADE
Breaks up ENDSIT
British big shot NOB
Bullish declaration ICAN
Cake makeup for a feeder SUET
Certain preserved strips BEEFJERKY
Clinton was its first gov NYS
Coffee shop, often WIFIHOTSPOT
Contact info spec EXT
Cousin of kvass RYEBEER
Damage-assessing grp FEMA
Damsel distresser OGRE
Does some piece work EDITS
Game player's concern RULE
Having more four-letter words SALTIER
Holder of notes PAD
How orchestra members enter ONCUE
It has many tangible points BRAILLE
It holds the line ROD
Italian TV channel TRE
Its title character is Manrico ILTROVATORE
King with revolting subjects STEPHEN
Clues Answers
Land above the Río Bravo ELNORTE
Like citric acid and lactic acid HYDROXY
Look like a sleaze OGLE
Love HON
March locale PARADEROUTE
Metaphor middle ISA
Mrs. Mulder on 'The X-Files' TEENA
Mushroom supporter STIPE
Music critic's concern TONE
Not so stuffy AIRIER
Old man of Orléans PERE
Pack of lifesavers? EMTS
Part of the Buchanan High faculty MRKOTTER
Pentagon-to-Lincoln Memorial dir NNE
Pianist Stein IRA
Playground provocation DARE
Polynesian port, when doubled PAGO
Pop trio with the 1964 hit 'Bread and Butter,' with 'the' NEWBEATS
Producer of shooting stars ROMANCANDLE
Pungent dressing AIOLI
Rattle holder TOT
Scored very quickly? PRESTO
See 50-Across WARNING
Shape preserver, of a sort SHOETREE
Some kind of nerve? RAW
Southern side OKRA
Splits for cooking, as fish SCRODS
Stopped being infantile GREWUP
Stops being infantile ACTSONESAGE
Subj. of the Privacy Act of 1974 SSN
Wang Lung's wife, in literature OLAN
What has made some people miss the mark? EURO
With 1-Down, good thing to have for a tornado EARLY