Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 3 2011

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Clues Answers
$ dispenser ATM
'Humbug!' BAH
'The Old Man and the Sea' author HEMINGWAY
-- carte ALA
-- constrictor BOA
Actress Gardner AVA
Addicted HOOKED
Author Nathaniel HAWTHORNE
Bankroll WAD
Burn somewhat SCORCH
CEO's degree MBA
Coaster SLED
Coin aperture SLOT
Columns' crossers ROWS
Compete VIE
Detectives HAWKSHAWS
Do what you're told OBEY
Dowel PEG
Everything ALL
Fire residue ASH
Giggly sound TEHEE
Goof up ERR
Gunky stuff CRUD
Historic times ERAS
Humorous sort WAG
Implant EMBED
Jennifer's 'Friends' role RACHEL
Joke GAG
Jump HOP
Kimono sash OBI
Clues Answers
Knocking sound RATATAT
Lawn-care brand ORTHO
Lily variety SEGO
Lingerie item BRA
Literary collection ANA
Lotion additive ALOE
Ovum EGG
Owns HAS
Perch SIT
Pistol GUN
Play area YARD
Playful water critter OTTER
Poi root TARO
Praise in verse ODE
Prognosticator SEER
Reason to say 'alas' WOE
Rental contract LEASE
Soak up ABSORB
Spheres ORBS
Surgeons' devices HEMOSTATS
Thanksgiving vegetable YAM
Unisex garb TSHIRT
Vacation mecca RESORT
Vine-covered shelter ARBOR
Warmth HEAT
Whatever amount ANY
Whirlpool EDDY
Wilkes---, Pa BARRE
Women's shoes WEDGIES
Workout venue GYM