- Sep 22 2011

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Clues Answers
''Cosby Show'' son THEO
''My eye!'' IBET
''That's wonderful!'' OOH
1982 Best Musical Tony winner CATS
ABA member ATTY
According to PER
Astronaut insignia NASA
Attention-getter PSST
Big house PEN
Big __, CA SUR
Browns in a pan SAUTES
Business expense, maybe AIRFARE
Canadian War Museum site OTTAWA
Cartoon pooch ODIE
Cartoon pooch ASTRO
Clean off ERASE
Clipper feature MAST
Closer to 100% PURER
Collarless shirt TEE
Conical quarters TEPEES
Continue KEEPON
Courage GRIT
Diva performance ARIA
Even one word APEEP
Far from stern LAX
Fighter pilot Rickenbacker EDDIE
Finalizes a deal TIESUPLOOSEENDS
Football-field size, approximately ACRE
Former Mach 2 craft SSTS
French bike race, familiarly LETOUR
Frequent slot-machine display FRUIT
Go-to guy EXPERT
Go-to guy ACE
Hand over formally CEDE
Herd sound MOO
High bond rating AAA
Holds back DETERS
Hole in the ground PIT
Clues Answers
In good shape FIT
Jazz trumpeter Sandoval ARTURO
Juan's water AGUA
Lagoon surrounders ATOLLS
Like hand-me-downs USED
Make certain ENSURE
Matador opponent ELTORO
Miracles tune of '65 TRACKSOFMYTEARS
Musical passage CODA
Odd notion WHIM
OPEC commodity OIL
Part of some portfolios BONDS
Part of TGIF ITS
Parts of superhero costumes CAPES
Pay homage to SALUTE
Peters out WANES
Piston gaskets ORINGS
Released OUT
Rocks in a bar ICE
Scintilla IOTA
Showed displeasure HISSED
Sight from Sandusky ERIE
Spoil, with ''on'' DOTE
Sports venue ARENA
State on the Arabian Sea OMAN
Stun gun TASER
Summer home, perhaps RENTAL
Take a break REST
Time-outs of a sort NAPS
Tofu source SOYA
Tool partner DIE
Tough question POSER
Truncate CUTOFF
Twist in some drinks PEEL
Type of tide NEAP
Valuable rocks ORES
What speakers may lose TRAINSOFTHOUGHT
With lots of lather FOAMY
Word on a bulb package WATT