- Sep 19 2011

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Baked'' side dish, slangily SPUD
''Baked'' side dish, slangily TATER
''Be with you in __!'' ASEC
''What's __ for me?'' INIT
26 Down homeland ERIN
Above OVER
All-knowing WISE
Bad habit VICE
Baseball season beginner OPENINGDAY
Biol. or chem SCI
Bouquet holder VASE
Bullring cheers OLES
Chilled, as tea ICED
Church steeple SPIRE
Close-up area on a map INSET
Clumsy one CLOD
Coffee sweetener SUGAR
Computer-screen image ICON
Cruise-line stops PORTS
Elaborate party BASH
Elm or oak TREE
Ensnares TRAPS
Face-to-face exam ORAL
Female choir voice ALTO
Floor-model car DEMO
Flower stalk STEM
Football official REF
Forbidden things DONTS
Four-star review RAVE
Garden tool HOE
Give an ultimatum to THREATEN
Golfer's dream shot HOLEINONE
Greek pocket bread PITA
Hair ringlets CURLS
Kid's racing vehicle GOCART
Launching-pad vehicle SPACECRAFT
Law enforcement group POLICE
Lima's country PERU
Clues Answers
Lip balm additive ALOE
March 17 honoree, for short STPAT
March 17 parading group IRISH
Mexican money PESO
Minor fender damage DENT
Mix together STIR
Musical drama OPERA
Nearing the hour TENOF
Occupies, as a table SITSAT
Old Faithful, for one GEYSER
One of the Great Lakes ERIE
Pie nut PECAN
Place of safety HAVEN
Preowned USED
Pretzel topping SALT
Races, as an engine REVS
Required task DUTY
Roll-call response HERE
Search for SEEK
Ship's pole MAST
Shower alternative BATH
Small piano SPINET
Some nest eggs: Abbr IRAS
Sports complexes ARENAS
Squad-car wailer SIREN
Stern enforcement CRACKDOWN
Stops from talking SILENCES
Taco topping SALSA
Tennis-court dividers NETS
The States, informally USOFA
Took a risk DARED
TV remote button MUTE
Volcanic output LAVA
Weep CRY
Winter vehicle SLED
Wipe away, as chalk ERASE
Wise advisor GURU
With a flat surface LEVEL
Work hard TOIL