Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 16 2011

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Clues Answers
'Halt!' at sea AVAST
'Toddlers and --' TIARAS
-- mater ALMA
Additionally ALSO
Anger IRE
Arizona city MESA
Attendance check ROLLCALL
Binge JAG
Boris of tennis BECKER
Bug, in a way WIRETAP
Bullring bravo OLE
Canal zone? ERIE
Chopper AXE
Church furniture PEWS
Commotion ADO
Coquettish one MINX
Couch SOFA
Cowboy's sweetie GAL
Crimson Tide school, for short BAMA
Director Kazan ELIA
Doctor MEDIC
Drawn-out story SAGA
Duel tool SABER
Early hrs AMS
Embodiment AVATAR
Exceeding OVER
Firmament SKY
Greatly ALOT
Grown-ups ADULTS
Healthy FIT
Long-distance communication TOLLCALL
Man of morals? AESOP
Clues Answers
Mimic APE
Motorists' org AAA
Nevertheless YET
Novak or Basinger KIM
Old 21-shilling coin GUINEA
One of Franklin's certainties TAXES
Outstanding athlete ALLSTAR
Penpoint NIB
Poorly lit DIM
Pre-diploma hurdle EXAM
Radiant AGLOW
Rebuff a masher SLAP
Right angle ELL
Roger of 'Cheers' REES
Satan's specialty EVIL
Second letter BETA
Series of skirmishes WAR
Sharp turn ZIG
Slithery swimmers EELS
Small gull MEW
Spiders' spinnings WEBS
Staff POLE
Stench ODOR
Style of jazz BOP
Tase, maybe ZAP
Tel -- AVIV
Toast topping JAM
Toss in ADD
Wire measure MIL
Zilch (Sp.) NADA
Zinger BARB