Wall Street Journal - Apr 2 2004 - April 02, 2004 - Bad Job Performance Reviews

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Clues Answers
'As You Like It' forest ARDEN
'Judge ___' (1995 Stallone movie) DREDD
'Scourge of God' ATTILA
'That ___ say...' ISTO
'There you have it!' TADA
'Waterloo Bridge' painter MONET
'___ porridge hot...' PEASE
1974 Emmy winner for best comedy series MASH
2000 Series losers METS
According to ALA
According to PER
Address for Ben Kingsley SIR
Agt. REP
Alma ___ MATER
Bellyached BEEFED
Big underdog LONGSHOT
Big voting bloc LABOR
Brings down FELLS
Bunyan prop AXE
Bus. bigwig CEO
Cable 'superstation' TBS
Capitalize on USE
Cheeky PERT
Cheerless DRAB
CIO's partner AFL
City south of West Palm BOCA
Coffee grinder input BEANS
Commencement ONSET
Congressional approval YEA
Connect with TIETO
Cutting comment BARB
Dadaist Max ERNST
Dean's list fig. GPA
Disgust OFFEND
Do followers REMI
Does dock work LADES
Dollar rival ALAMO
Early word MAMA
Empire builder? ROMAN
Emulate the 'Trading Spaces' gang REDO
Emulated Buddy Rich DRUMMED
End for cash or court IER
Ending for market or profit EER
Environmental subj. ECOL
Fast time LENT
Film honcho: Abbr. DIR
Flat-topped formations MESAS
Flower's friend BAMBI
Gentleman burglar Arsene LUPIN
Get some shut-eye RESTUP
Goal of some political contributors ACCESS
Goofs in print ERRATA
Helen specifier OFTROY
Hockey legend ___ Baker HOBEY
Home of the Cox Sch. of Business SMU
Hosp. areas ORS
Icelandic epic EDDA
Infant outfit LAYETTE
Inventor of a coil that bears his name TESLA
Invoice word DUE
Let go CUT
Light air LILT
Like some situations NOWIN
Lionize EXALT
Magazine founded in 1945 EBONY
Make a deep impression ETCH
Manx, for one CAT
Massage sounds AHS
Middle of a Caesar boast ISAW
Mooring places WHARFS
Clues Answers
Most coll. applicants SRS
Nary a soul NOONE
Neighbor ABUT
Nerd's tormentor JOCK
New Mexico's state flower YUCCA
Nike's swoosh, e.g. LOGO
No-show at a mixer LONER
Nobel-winning Japanese prime minister SATO
Nuptial agreement IDO
Olympic swimmer Thorpe IAN
One of five, for short QUIN
Op artist Albers JOSEF
Outspend one's account OVERDRAW
Overly TOO
Parsing choice NOUN
Peak in the Olympus Mountains OSSA
Pencil holder, at times EAR
Phrase on a mailing label SENDTO
Play suit? SPADES
Pouting MOROSE
Price/earnings, for one RATIO
Profess AVER
Put your foot down STEP
Rain forest feature MIST
Ranch in 'Giant' REATA
Refinement TASTE
Reward for waiting TIP
Room with a draft BAR
Sanctioned OKD
See 23-Across FORHIMSELF
See 34-Across OFADEQUACY
Sentimental song BALLAD
Significant time ERA
Some climbers IVIES
Some linemen ENDS
Soothing botanical ALOE
Spot in a deck PIP
Sprinter's goal TAPE
Staff symbols SHARPS
Start of the 16th century MDI
Stocking merchandise? TOYS
Subject of a 1922 discovery TUT
Super Chief supporters RAILS
Telescope part EYEPIECE
Telescope user's aid STARMAP
They bear torches DIMES
Thickheaded DENSE
Tony, for one AWARD
Transvaal farmer BOER
Trattoria treats GELATI
Treasure guardian GNOME
Underground Railroad 'conductor' TUBMAN
Undiluted NEAT
View from a cabin LAKE
Vowel change in related words ABLAUT
Went bad SOURED
With 67-Across, job performance review #2 HASDELUSIONS
With 70-, 100- and 115-Across, job performance review #1 SETSLOWSTANDARDS
With 85-Across, job performance review #3 WOULDBEOUTOFHERDEPTH
With all one's force AMAIN
Wood duck DECOY
Words before profit or premium ATA
Yellow-orange AMBER
You can dig it ORE
You might have a hand in it GLOVE
___-scarum HARUM