Universal - Mar 11 2004

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Clues Answers
"Charlie's Angels" star DIAZ
"Oh, you wish!" ASIF
1978 co-Nobelist SADAT
3-Down's land ITALY
Analogy words ISTO
Andean beasts LLAMAS
Berlin's "Blue ___" SKIES
Big pot of stew OLLA
Bill's "Groundhog Day" co-star ANDIE
Breaks in TAMES
Bridge coup SLAM
Brown dog SNOOPY
Call ___ night ITA
Clear a hurdle LEAP
Command to a barkeep, perhaps NOICE
County in southwestern England AVON
Creator of a storybook Robin MILNE
Cut-rate event FIRESALE
E pluribus ___ UNUM
Elbow-to-wrist bone ULNA
Enhancing accessories ADDONS
Entrapment STING
Fall into decay ROT
Fond du ___, Wis. LAC
Go back to the drawing board REDO
Go well together MESH
Green land? ERIN
Had the nerve DARED
Hangs out one's shingle OPENS
Home of Leonardo's "The Last Supper" MILAN
Homely sayings SAWS
Ignored the limit SPED
Implied TACIT
Joe-to-go packets? SUGARS
Kind of alert SMOG
Clues Answers
Kind of tale FAIRY
Knight's mare STEED
Lean (on) RELY
Leaving after dinner? ORT
Lines for writing notes STAFF
Norse god of war TYR
Norwegian bays FJORDS
Obscure BLUR
Oft-candied tubers YAMS
Old Faithful, e.g. GEYSER
Old station identification ESSO
Ossie's wife RUBY
Otherworldly ALIEN
Padlock mate HASP
Peeples or Long NIA
Perry's creator ERLE
Plays for a sucker USES
Plow share? SNOW
Proof goof TYPO
Reproductive cells OVA
Resort town near Santa Barbara OJAI
River to the Rhine AARE
Royal order FIAT
San Fernando Valley city RESEDA
Satellite transmission FEED
Seasoned vet OLDHAND
Ship's mess GALLEY
Sibling's daughter NIECE
Significant times ERAS
Sushi fish EEL
Treater's words ONME
Two fins TENSPOT
Unwanted overhang POTBELLY
Use the horn DIAL
Victrola successor HIFI
Wailuku's isle MAUI
Well-ventilated AIRY
Winged ALATE
Word with disaster AREA