Irish Times (Crosaire) - May 1 2010

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Clues Answers
'Be no longer in sight by way of transport, perhaps (6)' VANISH
'By what's in store for you there, by the sound of it (1,4'1,7)' ASHOPSCOUNTER
'Charges, thanks to the desert dwellers (7)' TARIFFS
'Event, by the sound of it (6)' OUTLET
'Got stuffed when it got to nine, by the sound of it (7)' OVERATE
'In addition, there's a right little turn in the broken axes (6)' EXTRAS
'Instrumentally, the census of those in church (3,3,7)' THEREVCOUNTER
'Misses her perhaps, but never miss her (3)' MRS
'Not the negatives of royalty, by the sound of him (6)' PRINCE
'Postpone this and you may cause aversion (3,3)' PUTOFF
'This makes a striking avoidance (8,1,4)' COUNTERSABLOW
'With two in the middle, are you on to be too old? (7)' OUTWORN
A little seedy if your pulse is like this BEAN
A manor's all for a row OARSMAN
At play in there THEATRE
Burn this hundred about a comrade CREMATE
Burns this? This would imply the contrary INFERNO
Cause them to be one's belongings EFFECTS
Cuts up the company on the outside STUCCO
Clues Answers
For a blind man who is an expert BUFF
Have a shot at not being forward SHY
Little Philip is a little seedy PIP
Mostly 17 across will get one fired HOTTEST
Nary a bit more needed to get the half to school SEMI
Nelson called this to exclaim relatively HORATIO
Not in order for people to be eating there MESSES
Place for forging? SMITHY
Seems a lady has been burnt ASHES
Sign this to get round the people OMEN
Sounds as if there's not an L in Xmas NOEL
Sounds like some work for an adder MATHS
Start hunting and comes across myself and the hidden set MEETS
That's neither unusual nor grand NORM
Tie up the Muslim ROOM
To be so fishy is to end in defeat TROUT
What 24 down is HOT
You get a sound return from this ECHO
You might say he works at the forge COUNTERFEITER