Irish Times (Crosaire) - Feb 26 2010

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Clues Answers
A blooming early male rodent RATHE
All and not all? Good for you! WHOLESOME
All the same, it's a knock-up PAR
Altogether, you child of Ulster UNISON
Chopin was so heavenly POLESTAR
Confesses that the snow has not yet come down OWNSUP
Draw not this sound TIE
Following Saturday the first, a boy has had enough of it SATIATED
Frightfully twisted with pain there INAPANIC
Go away and be a 16 across for ever EXILE
I had ten grand, in a manner of speaking IDIOM
I'm in the back, and it is in me to make the least of it MINIMISE
In time to be a sailor at last INSEASON
In view of this, it's poisonous, etc. ASPECT
Is bred in a dear setting RAISED
Is Sal able to barge along here? CANALS
Margaret! A letter from Greece at last OMEGA
Clues Answers
Not solo there, by the sound of it, in Scotland HIGHLANDS
One fears one will not be left to the last FRIGHT
One has to pay the penalty for being so crafty FINEARTS
One is a right sort of a foreigner ALIEN
One of 8 down goes on top of an idiot FOOLSCAP
Post thanks in for a host ENTERTAIN
Saw this with X upon it TENON
She gets set in bed SHEETS
Sounds as if an adder may be about to fall TOTTER
Sounds of course as if it would be last, but it is not ENTREE
Starts in it, but will then sail to start with them INITIALS
The colour of one rag for the North ORANGE
The last op. for a male, by the sound of it POSTAL
The lawyer, he will plan this with me SCHEME
They are ten in the same, testing way EXAMS
This ore is not to be found in the sea ASH
What's the matter with it? Eat it up PUS
Won't go fast, even when driven at last SNAIL