Irish Times (Crosaire) - Nov 17 2009

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Clues Answers
A fishy finish for a frisky boss of 14 down SKIPPER
A French father I had did it for nothing UNPAID
A parent has her going up and down ADA
Always in a shy aunt to cut a friend dead SEVERALLY
Blooming well finished and fit for decapitation DEADHEADS
Can you beat that? Your friend swallowed the hole of it PALPITATE
Claim everything, for instance, eastern ALLEGE
Ever about all right to play wrong? REVOKE
Fed up at last without an attack DEFENDING
How often I'm in a festive way FIVETIMES
If all is silent, this won't get you anything LISTEN
In nothing back to us for sugar INSULIN
In short, it is not the way to stand up for this ( ' 3) TIS
Is there e'er a place like it? IRELAND
It's on the cards that there will be no more winners to deliver the final blow LASTTRUMP
Knocked it a little and got the liquid out TAPPED
Clues Answers
Listen once more to Sarah, just for practice REHEARSAL
Me? A noble old Scotsman and a fiery old gasbag METHANE
More of the mild to make me reek MEEKER
No spouse before this one for this officer FIRSTMATE
One may see through such as Sir Roger CASEMENTS
S have N to have removed these BEARDS
Shortaged, perhaps, to make the tea AET
Sounds like the fat of Europe GREECE
That starts in the theatre and it's all in the theatre OPERATION
The divine got soaked in a broken nose SODDEN
The Scot might rouse him and tell Kenneth to be off AWAKEN
This might be doubled in fatal fashion ASS
This might make 'er to comeback RETURN
To fruit till now TODATE
Vigilance could make the trees lean ALERTNESS
What debutantes were to the one now editor PRESENTED