USA Today - Mar 2 2004

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Comprende?" SEE
"Gigi" composer LOEWE
"Julius Caesar" time frame IDES
"NYPD Blue" extra COP
"See you later" TATA
Afflicts AILS
Agrippina's tyrant son NERO
Amusement on a drive? COMPUTERGAME
Awesome spread FEAST
Bar fare SALAD
Bearing MIEN
Big man in L.A. SHAQ
Bruin superstar ORR
Buffed leather SUEDE
Call forth EVOKE
Checker move? TWIST
Common refrain TRALA
Conjunctivitis remedy EYEDROP
Controller's spot TOWER
Cordon bleu ingredient HAM
Corroded ATE
Country singer Tillis PAM
Court winner ACE
Crater creators IMPACTS
Cursor attachment? PRE
Decorator's concern COLORSCHEME
Double-edged literary device IRONY
Dr.'s diagnostic tool MRI
Drove like mad TORE
Engrave ETCH
Friday creator DEFOE
Garments for Antony and Cleopatra TUNICS
Give off EMIT
Got carried away? RODE
Hatchling's noise PEEP
Heartthrob's picture? EKG
High hope DREAM
Clues Answers
Hindu teacher SWAMI
Historical period ERA
Imperfection DEFECT
Implored PLED
Irish ancestor CELT
Klondike find ORE
Leading ONTOP
Leading AHEAD
Lions' locks MANES
Mastodon relic IVORY
Milkman's meas. QTS
Panama, for one HAT
Pirate's potation RUM
Plot implement HOE
Power unit WATT
Ready to shoot ARMED
Run-down SEEDY
Seriously misbehave COMMITACRIME
Shut down HALT
Slicker in the winter ICIER
Small carry-on TOTE
Smelling of suds BEERY
Smithy's workplace FORGE
Some crossbreeds CURS
Some play with them for money TEAMMATES
Something you may flip LID
Stuff full CRAM
Testing facility LAB
Type of service LIP
UAE et al. OPEC
Unfriendly looks GLARES
Versailles agreement OUI
Victoria Island explorer RAE
Wax producer EAR
Weather conditions CLIMATES
Well-shielded Southerner ARMADILLO
Went to the mat WRESTLED
Whirlpool EDDY