Irish Times (Crosaire) - May 7 2008

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Clues Answers
1 across might have done business with them RETAILERS
A row gives me a strong point METIER
A small measure I make a hole in, but not by design ACCIDENTS
Always start to be high on land EVEREST
Being so offensively loud, with this one may lose one's head without caution BRASHNESS
By the sound of it, I could never be found among that trio BLINDMICE
Does this follow 17 across from Ireland? Well, no ILL
Doing the groundwork makes him more like 21 across at last (6) MILLER
From there in Scotland it gets a hat with the folk OFTHATILK
High in the ship, low at the show STALLS
How sweet of a priest to allow the first of 7 down to be so crusty APPLETART
If you're not obedient, you might be ringing again REBELLING
Is only one parrot in eight able, by the sound of it, to help with the fertilising? POLLINATE
Is there a short A hanging in here? CURTAIN
It's the very devil if one gets to be so cruel LUCIFER
Just a shade of the North in a flier (6) AWNING
Clues Answers
Just not enough of a noble to be in New York NEARLY
Leave and wager, Little N., though you're just an agent GOBETWEEN
Make a mess of ninety degrees, perhaps TANGLE
One goes around in Japan OBI
One might get to Cong with 'er EEL
Over fifty blooming falsehoods LILIES
Saw them BOARDS
Saw them SIGHTS
Saw this PROVERB
Shelter on the port side, but it did not look good LEERED
Status in the British Navy? RATING
The tricks of painting, if they're so cold ARTIFICES
This could make a ring BELLMETAL
With this root, ghost of a barbarian OSTROGOTH
You just can't win if you've been around at this BEATEN
You may see 21 across for this ONE