USA Today - Dec 19 2006

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"At ___, soldier!" EASE
"J'Accuse" writer Zola EMILE
"The Hobbit" hero BILBO
"___ cost ya!" ITLL
"___ We Done Yet?" (2007 flick) ARE
''Air Music'' composer ROREM
''Father Knows Best'' family name ANDERSON
''Garfield'' pup ODIE
''Hold the phone'' STOP
''Papa Loves Mambo'' singer COMO
''Scram!'' SHOO
''See ya!'' CIAO
''See ya!'' TATA
''Two Years Before the Mast'' author DANA
13-Down has them PHASES
A few fries short of a Happy Meal INSANE
A minor, e.g. KEY
Abbr. on a tire PSI
Adjust as you must ADAPT
Advertising award CLIO
African fly pest TSETSE
Agenda SLATE
Allot (with "out") DOLE
Anxious foot action TAP
Artist's undercoat GESSO
Asian capital TAIPEI
Attorney's org. ABA
Baby powder TALC
Backyard game CATCH
Bagpipes player, often SCOT
Be in contradiction with BELIE
Bestial bellow ROAR
Betwixt and between AMID
Bewildered ATSEA
Bird on birth announcements STORK
Bird that gets you down EIDER
Body pics TATS
Bridge guru Culbertson ELY
Bridle strap REIN
Brief moments SECS
Buddhist monk LAMA
Cabins and condos ABODES
Canterbury stories TALES
Casa kitchen crock OLLA
Cheesecake on a wall PINUP
Chocolate substitute CAROB
Choir voice ALTO
Chosen but not yet installed ELECT
Circus sideshow oddity GEEK
Clarinetist Shaw ARTIE
Clearwater's neighbor TAMPA
Climb up ASCEND
Coastal flier ERNE
Comes to the aid of the party? BARTENDS
Composer who had 20 children BACH
Copier at the zoo? APE
Costumes made with bedsheets TOGAS
Counterpunch, in a way REBUT
Craft with a sail BOAT
Creamy white cheese BRIE
Curly-leafed vegetable KALE
Currency in Kabul AFGHANI
Cut and paste, say EDIT
Dance-music genre TECHNO
Dating from time immemorial AGEOLD
Defamation in writing LIBEL
Distance letters KERN
Diversify, as a diet VARY
Driving force URGE
Drop in pronunciation ELIDE
Drought-stricken ARID
E-mail nuisance SPAM
Ear anagram ARE
Earth's rotational direction EAST
Edge out NIP
English race course ASCOT
Enjoy a companionable meal BREAKBREAD
Expeditious FAST
Farming unit ACRE
Fateful day in March IDES
Fine equine ARAB
First name among 007 portrayers SEAN
Flooring implement? PEDAL
Folk wisdom LORE
Forbidden perfume? TABU
Foreign correspondent, maybe PENPAL
Foreign fleer EMIGRE
Frisbee or flying saucer DISK
Gem mined in Australia OPAL
Genesis of an invention IDEA
Giraffe kin OKAPI
Government laws STATUTES
Greek diviner SIBYL
Group of low mountains of Arkansas OZARK
Hacks (off) LOPS
Hand over CEDE
Hard to grasp EELY
Hearth coals EMBERS
Help, in a bad way ABET
High-climbing vine LIANA
Holy reverence AWE
Hops to it? BEER
Hops-drying kiln OAST
Ill. clock setting CST
Impolite look LEER
In any way EVER
Indigenous New Zealander MAORI
Infant ailment COLIC
Irritable TESTY
Island from which Napoleon escaped ELBA
Clues Answers
It was a gas! ESSO
It's a bleedin' worm LEECH
Jostler's weapon ELBOW
Juarez gold ORO
Lady and lord, e.g. TITLES
Lancelot du ___ LAC
Large, as proportions EPIC
Lawyer's document BRIEF
Legendary archer TELL
Let the cat out of the bag SPILLEDTHEBEANS
Like a tough battle UPHILL
Liquid measures LITERS
Logician's word ERGO
Long-billed Floridian IBIS
Magazine pieces? TEARSHEETS
Martini garnish OLIVE
Medicated compress STUPE
Memorandum NOTE
Mental confusion HAZE
Mexican-American, e.g. LATINO
Monstrous female LAMIA
Mr. Bean portrayer Atkinson ROWAN
Mule's sire ASS
Mythical trick-playing god LOKI
Nearly all MOST
Not to FRO
Omani's currency RIAL
On the sheltered side ALEE
Ones, abroad UNOS
Ore source VEIN
Out of commission KAPUT
Paparazzi prey STARS
Part of the eye IRIS
Perform diligently PLY
Person with intelligence? SPY
Pixieish ELFIN
Placed out of sight SECRETED
Political plot CABAL
Pop singer Vikki CARR
Port on the Firth of Lorne OBAN
Potato part served as an appetizer SKIN
Prepare to read CRACKABOOK
Purim's month ADAR
Put out, as dinner SERVE
Quarter pounder part PATTY
Quilting klatch BEE
Rash protection TALC
Ready for Weight Watchers OBESE
Rectangular paving stones SETTS
Relating to the ear OTIC
Rip asunder REND
Run without rushing TROT
San Juan Hill site CUBA
Sash in "Memoirs of a Geisha" OBI
Satirist's specialty SENDUP
Say over REPEAT
Seaman's saint ELMO
Seethes BOILS
Self-satisfied SMUG
Send over the moon ELATE
Service entrance location, sometimes REAR
Shoe insert ARCH
Sign next to Virgo LIBRA
Sign of distress FLARE
Skin-lotion additive ALOE
Smart-mouthed SAUCY
Snoopy sort YENTA
Snuggle closely NESTLE
Soldier's necessity AMMO
Some show horses ARABS
Spitballs, to class clowns AMMO
Statesman Hammarskjöld DAG
Steer clear of AVOID
Stridex target ACNE
Strikers' rhyme CHANT
Suffix with "narc" OTIC
Suitable for the occasion APT
Suspect's out ALIBI
Swedish supergroup ABBA
Take off, as a brooch UNPIN
Tentative guesses STABS
The sun does it every day SETS
They have certain rings to them TREES
Throw away DISCARD
Tired partner SICK
Transmission setting PARK
Trudge along PLOD
Tugboat greeting TOOT
Turkey feather HACKLE
Unsuspecting NAIVE
Vampires may take them to heart STAKES
Vaulter's apparatus HORSE
Verve ELAN
Volcano plume ASH
Walk-___ (small parts) ONS
Wash cycle RINSE
Went for apples, in a way BOBBED
What an angler awaits NIBBLE
What the quibbling barber did? SPLITHAIRS
Where a squirrel squirrels nuts away DREY
Where one's ship comes in PIER
Where Paris took Helen TROY
Where the price is fixed LABEL
Wickedness EVIL
Window section PANE
Wood pulp product PAPER
Word with "spirit" or "player" TEAM
Word with "trap" or "prize" BOOBY
Word with ''light'' or ''beam'' MOON
Wrapping weights TARES
You've heard this before ECHO
___ of expertise AREA