USA Today - Feb 4 2004

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"For ye shall be as an ___ . . ." (Isa. 1:30) OAK
"Gnarly!" RAD
"So what ___ is new?" ELSE
"Take ___ from me" ("Here's my advice") ATIP
"The wolf ___ the door" ISAT
"Wheel of Fortune" host Pat SAJAK
A Parker NOSY
Agrippina's tyrant son NERO
Anna Nicole Smith, once CENTERFOLD
Bottom line YIELD
Cato's way ITER
Challenge for Odysseus SIREN
Chewy sweet GUMDROP
Collection of brains MENSA
Comment to the audience ASIDE
Daryl Hannah title role ROXANNE
Dined's partner WINED
Director known for spaghetti westerns LEONE
Dovetails FITS
Eye problem STYE
First side to vote YEAS
Flabbergast STUN
Freezer damage? BURN
General greetings? SALUTES
General of Chinese menu fame TSO
Give the boot OUST
Graphic opener GEO
Hawaiian goose NENE
Hdgar's less horrible half HELGA
Home to a Blackfoot TEPEE
Hootenanny sight BALE
Impart BRING
Indian nursemaid AYAH
It's made to measure TAPE
January, in Tijuana ENERO
Jumps electrodes ARCS
Lacking SHY
Clues Answers
Leeves and Seymour JANES
Lift with effort HEFT
Like a beautiful night STARLIT
Like Superman's vision XRAY
Looks-everything link ARENT
Make possible ENABLE
Mathematician Descartes RENE
Miffed (with "off") TEED
Molly Ringwald, for one REDHEAD
Old European coin DUCAT
Open audition, in slang CATTLECALL
Panache ELAN
Pequod's skipper AHAB
Persian VIPs SHAHS
Pigeon's perch LEDGE
Place of business SHOP
Point of concern ISSUE
Pop or jerk SODA
Private address? APO
Purchase alternative LEASE
Sell Girl Scout cookies, e.g. FUNDRAISE
Small-time PENNYANTE
So out it's in RETRO
State of the union address? UTAH
Stats for Bonds RBIS
Tech. college major ENGR
They're found in a yard FEET
Transport for Susan Butcher SLED
Tropical root TARO
Turn on the charm SEDUCE
Vaulted cathedral area APSE
Video game pioneer ATARI
Visitor to Siam ANNA
Way out AFAR
Who "nobody doesn't like" SARALEE
Wood finish STAIN
Word with drag or speed RACER
Word with grease or eyebrow PENCIL
Word with hack or hand SAW