USA Today - Sep 1 2004

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Clues Answers
". . . and the truth is not ___" INUS
". . . ___ of thee" TIS
"John Brown's Body" poet BENET
"___ brillig and the slithey toves . . ." TWAS
''Heidi'' penner SPYRI
''Way to go!'' GOODFORYOU
''Way to go!'' ITSPERFECT
''Way to go!'' NICELYDONE
''Way to go!'' THATSGREAT
A bit of color TINGE
A way to go by RENTALCAR
A way to go by FERRYBOAT
A way to go by LIMOUSINE
A way to go by TRANSITBUS
A way to go by SUBWAYLINE
A way to go by STREETCAR
Actor Julia RAUL
Aesthetic, to a fault ARTY
Aficionado DEVOTEE
Asta was one WIREHAIR
At any time EVER
Auto-service job LUBE
Awake and aware ALERT
Bass or treble, e.g. CLEF
Be disrespectful to, in a way SASS
Beast of many a fairy tale OGRE
Begin's co-Nobelist SADAT
Beret relative TAM
Big top TENT
Biofuel source CORN
Bird found in Florida EGRET
Birthday goodies PRESENTS
Bone in a cage? RIB
British school that's over 500 years old ETON
Butler's love? OHARA
Cambridgeshire cathedral town ELY
Canon rival EPSON
Celine of song DION
Central Sicily city ENNA
Changes suits? ALTERS
Coffee-to-go necessity LID
Compete VIE
Confused ASEA
Corp. numero uno CEO
Cosmetics queen Lauder ESTEE
Couple in the news each December CLAUSES
Darjeeling, for one TEA
Distribute METE
Done ___ fare-thee-well TOA
Duchess of ___ (Goya model) ALBA
Effortless pace LOPE
Einstein and Sabin ALBERTS
Etcher's supply ACID
Excessively dry ARID
Express feelings REACT
Eye ailment STYE
Famous WWII plane ENOLAGAY
Father of Fear and Panic ARES
First name among 007 portrayers SEAN
First-rate CLASSY
Flat float RAFT
Fourteen pounds in Brighton STONE
Fourteen-line poem SONNET
Frighteningly unnatural EERIE
Gaelic group CLAN
Gen. Robert ___ ELEE
Greek dairy product FETA
Greenhouse growth FLORA
Ho-hum character BORE
Hustle tickets SCALP
Indulge in voguing POSE
It can convey action VERB
It crosses the nave TRANSEPT
Clues Answers
It flows past Florence ARNO
It's high once a day NOON
Jittery EDGY
Lad's love LASS
Long Beach and Texas City, e.g. SEAPORTS
Madcap comedies RIOTS
Making bows TYING
Man of La Mancha SENOR
Mathematical points LOCI
May 8, 1945 VEDAY
Memorable time span ERA
More than is? ARE
Name on many escalators OTIS
Nasty prank HOTFOOT
NHL penalty killer ICER
Northumberland river TYNE
Ontario-Huron link ERIE
Participates in the Hambletonian TROTS
Plant's pouchlike structure SAC
Poem on a grand scale EPIC
Praises highly LAUDS
Pre-euro currency, somewhere PESETA
Prefix for while ERST
Printer's proof, briefly REPRO
Readies for sale TAGS
Ready-go link SET
Recipe abbr. TBSP
Relative of Geo. or Chas. EDW
Relatives of Mmes. SRAS
Relatives of Mmes. MLLES
Responds to a raise SEES
Riles up IRES
River into Donegal Bay ERNE
Safecracker YEGG
Salad oil server CRUET
Saying likewise ECHOING
Scot, for one CELT
Scouting job RECON
Shoe insert TREE
Signs of drowsiness YAWNS
Small fish SMELT
Social addition IST
Some doctors INTERNS
Some escapist literature SCIFI
Some protests SITINS
Some still-life subjects VASES
Soup veggies PEAS
Spotted beetles LADYBUGS
Start of a magical word ABRA
Stat for a slugger RBI
Stick one's nose in SNOOP
Strongly interacting particles MESONS
Stuntman's woes ACHES
Teenage problem ACNE
The Little Red Book author MAO
The vegetarian Simpson LISA
To be, in ancient Rome ESSE
Topple from power OUST
Trucker's concern TARE
Underlings AIDES
Unthreatening, as threats EMPTY
War of 1812 port ERIE
Weave on a straight course YAW
What methane's missing ODOR
What Vanna may display ANO
Whispered ''Hey!'' PSST
Winged horse PEGASUS
Withered SERE
Yank ally BRIT
You may get it lying down REST
___ Buena, Calif. YERBA
___ Cologne EAUDE
___ many words INSO