Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 5 2006

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Clues Answers
A dreamlike state, daydream REVERIE
Augury, portent OMEN
Be more important or heavier than OUTWEIGH
Capital city of Colorado DENVER
Celestial body orbiting around a star PLANET
Elevate to sainthood CANONISE
Employ coercion to cure foes USEFORCE
Feel deep sorrow as for a death GRIEVE
Having colourful views, like some routes SCENIC
I sign in a funny way to get badges or emblems INSIGNIA
Immediately, amigo PRONTO
In a straightforward manner, no delay DIRECTLY
In good humour, quite jolly CHEERFUL
Inherit or enter COMEINTO
Kind of Gaelic for seer ERSE
Large round container as for beer BARREL
Clues Answers
Measure of intelligence quotient IQTEST
More mild and pliable MEEKER
Mythical beast, half horse and half man CENTAUR
Observe and absorb - jot it down TAKENOTE
Observes or perceives SEES
Painter, sculptor etc ARTIST
Paintings with two folding surfaces DIPTYCHS
Role for tradition LORE
She's certainly not a blonde BRUNETTE
Sign back of cheque ENDORSE
Skilful and ingenious ADROIT
The use of force or threats to get one's way DURESS
Time by which task must be completed DEADLINE
Try to deal with, rugby opponent or problem TACKLE
Wide of the target in seminars NEARMISS
Word made from first letters of other words ACRONYM