Irish Times (Simplex) - Feb 21 2005

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Clues Answers
'If the cap fits, . . . . . .' WEARIT
A fixed or limited time, or an expression TERM
Always the same, like army clothes UNIFORM
Border of a country FRONTIER
Burdensome, weighty ONEROUS
By . . . . means by memory - that tore it ROTE
Cloudy and indistinct NEBULOUS
Covered with armour or sent by post MAILED
Curtains for padres DRAPES
Existing but not yet active or developed LATENT
Exit, means of egress WAYOUT
Fair of hair BLONDE
Foe or competitor OPPONENT
Gaelic name of the Republic of Ireland EIRE
Great Moscow ballet company BOLSHOI
Great painter of the Mona Lisa, . . . . . . . . da Vinci LEONARDO
Clues Answers
High-pitched voice above the natural range FALSETTO
Lower in quality or rank INFERIOR
Make an approximate assessment of ESTIMATE
Make hole through with pointed instrument PIERCE
Parroted like one who exploits others PREDATOR
Part taken as example of the whole SPECIMEN
Person who follows another about as if hunting prey STALKER
Piece of dirt or salacious talk SMUT
Place where bees are kept in hives APIARY
Refuses to acknowledge, says that it is untrue DENIES
Request to sing it again ENCORE
Scored with beliefs CREDOS
Small roles in plays or films BITPARTS
Stringed instruments such as George Formby used to play UKULELES
Take weapons from or charm DISARM
Watchful, alert to possible danger VIGILANT