Irish Times (Simplex) - Feb 23 2000

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Clues Answers
A small measure of spirits NOGGIN
An illegal hanging as by mob LYNCHING
An old two-shilling coin FLORIN
Bodily part of musical instrument ORGAN
Body between neck and abdomen THORAX
Brilliance or pomp SPLENDOUR
Cry of horse NEIGH
Cut grass MOW
Eccentric or unpaired ODD
General principle or kind of clergyman CANON
Give up or renounce ABNEGATE
Given to violent eruption like natural force VOLCANIC
Green tea for youth TEENAGER
Have fellow-feeling for EMPATHISE
He sells from door-to-door HAWKER
In addition to, also ASWELL
Initially, a great federation USA
Make holy or sacred SANCTIFY
Clues Answers
Moneys received for grannies EARNINGS
Murderer, assassin KILLER
Old measure of length ELL
One who believes in pleasure HEDONIST
Open and unconcealed OVERT
Outcome of being at the farm AFTERMATH
Painting or sculpture of Mary with body of Jesus PIETA
Plight one's . . . . . - promise to marry TROTH
Ruling by Islamic leader, as on Salmon Rushdie FATWA
Sacred Egyptian beetle SCARAB
Sharp knife or armchair CARVER
Showing courtesy to another, or alert ATTENTIVE
Striped animal poetically burning bright TIGER
Surroundings redolent of wealth and indulgence LUXURY
The pot may call it black KETTLE
To do with God DIVINE
Very fine soft wool CASHMERE