Irish Times (Simplex) - Aug 7 2002

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Clues Answers
A complete set of vowels AEIOU
A shaped block for holding footwear SHOETREE
A tough time in Laredo ORDEAL
Addis . . . . . is the capital of Ethiopia ABABA
Agreement or harmony ACCORD
And so on, and so on ETC
Be excessive or cook too long OVERDO
Cargo list - it's quite clear MANIFEST
Dangerous, even lethal place or vehicle DEATHTRAP
Erratic or random HITORMISS
Formally denied or contradicted GAINSAID
Give the different forms of a verb CONJUGATE
Greek goddess of peace IRENE
Hard-shelled fruit NUT
In some respects, sort of INAWAY
Influential people, like old Mongolians MOGULS
Japanese 3-line poem of 17 syllables HAIKU
Jolt with glass container JAR
Clues Answers
Leonardo da Vinci's painting of enigmatic woman MONALISA
Pair of spectacles on a long handle LORGNETTE
Pay for timer REMIT
Person injured in accident, or thing destroyed CASUALTY
Pimply or covered with dots SPOTTY
Plaster used for moulding decorations STUCCO
Quick like a bird SWIFT
Sell from door to door PEDDLE
Slangy sunglasses for literary ghosts SHADES
Smartest kind of bed-base MATTRESS
Sticky stuff from siren RESIN
Tear-inducing bulb ONION
The man for a patriotic song ANTHEM
They make an effort, don't give up TRIERS
Though that is the case, all the same EVENSO
Watchful, on guard VIGILANT
Water barrier, quite mad DAM
Went away suddenly or secretly DECAMPED