Irish Times (Simplex) - Jun 26 2001

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Clues Answers
A carved effigy STATUE
A Spanish or Portuguese noble GRANDEE
Aspirant to be a guerilla PARTISAN
Beat up by way of help ABET
Bird that invades another's nest CUCKOO
Care of feet and toenails PEDICURE
Child who stays away from school without leave TRUANT
Cleans by rubbing with something abrasive SCOURS
Dazzling or intelligent BRIGHT
Deserving of scorn, not to be taken seriously DERISORY
Drink a lot like poet TOPE
Drive out evil spirit by prayer EXORCISE
Expert in study of plants and trees BOTANIST
First letters of names INITIALS
Glamorous tropical flowers ORCHIDS
Hamlet's suicidal girl friend OPHELIA
Clues Answers
I lead, sir to old English P.M. DISRAELI
In Greek myth, the bull-man monster slain by Theseus in the labyrinth in Crete MINOTAUR
Insignificant or trivial NUGATORY
Irritable as from bodily disorder LIVERISH
Number of similar things arranged in order SERIES
Penetrate as with sharp object PIERCE
Salutes, says hello GREETS
Slangily very drunk BLOTTO
Sleepy, half-asleep DROWSY
The second Greek letter BETA
Thomas Alva . . . . . . , great American inventor EDISON
Thought highly of, respected ESTEEMED
Trade selling goods to the general public RETAIL
Tragic Shakespearean monarch KINGLEAR
Whoa, desist STOP