USA Today - Mar 5 2011

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Don't get any funny ___!" IDEAS
"One of ___ days, Alice ..." THESE
"To Tell the Truth" host Moore GARRY
A veiled threat (with "or") ELSE
Adjoin ABUT
Autocratic ruler TSAR
Bible word THOU
Bird venerated by ancient Egyptians IBIS
Bit of a tiff SPAT
Bride's concern GOWN
Burrowing creature RABBIT
Cancun money PESO
Capital founded by Pizarro LIMA
Card game with sevens through aces SKAT
Carte before the course MENU
Catamount PUMA
Certain foreign leader (Var.) AGHA
Certain suite INLAW
Chinese currency YUAN
Citizen of the 29th state IOWAN
Come to a stop HALT
Convergence points FOCI
Cries of triumph HAHS
Deli wares, often BAGELS
Didn't dillydally ACTED
Diver's danger BENDS
Doughboy's weapon RIFLE
European river RHINE
Experimented with TRIED
Fancy jug EWER
File, as a complaint LODGE
First name in mystery AGATHA
Flu variety ASIAN
From the beginning ANEW
Fussy couple? ESSES
George Clooney, e.g. ACTOR
Greek god of love EROS
Greek marketplace AGORA
Clues Answers
Iniquitous rooms? DENS
Insensible condition COMA
It's up for discussion TOPIC
Kind of friendly? USER
Like a stuffed shirt SMUG
Metric force units DYNES
Mongolia's capital, ___ Bator ULAN
Not fooled ONTO
Not for the squeamish GORY
Old Ford LTD
One way to call it quits TURNINYOURBADGE
One way to call it quits CASHINYOURCHIPS
One way to call it quits THROWINTHETOWEL
Outstanding player STAR
Parting word ADIOS
Portents OMENS
Precious gems STONES
Probabilities ODDS
Rangers' clubs BATS
Rank above ens. CWO
Relinquish control CEDE
Reprimands CHIDES
Reverse UNDO
Rock piles below mesas, e.g. SCREES
Rub out ERASE
Serpent's warnings HISSES
Shows a profit of NETS
Simon ___ (kid's game) SAYS
Strongly suggest URGE
Tanzania neighbor KENYA
Valuable discoveries FINDS
Visit, for a website HIT
Warm, in a guessing game NEAR
Word of obligation OUGHT
Word with "belly" or "ear" ACHE
Word with "task" or "air" FORCE