Irish Times (Simplex) - Feb 22 2000

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Clues Answers
A burglar's loot SWAG
A French Peter PIERRE
A strong emotion PASSION
Abnormal reaction as to, say, pollen ALLERGY
Adore, venerate WORSHIP
Bound to diet TIED
Brilliant red colour SCARLET
Brood about poem MOPE
Concession of philosophy SOP
Confess, admit OWNUP
Consider, judge DEEM
Contrition for wrong-doing REMORSE
Dog found in street SETTER
Doll on a string or rod PUPPET
Eerie, weird CREEPY
Fish or beam RAY
French panto clown with whitened face PIERROT
Govern harshly or weigh on OPPRESS
Influenced or teetered SWAYED
Informally sentimental in sickly way SOPPY
Interfere or meddle with TAMPER
Clues Answers
Kind of sweet, nut in sugar COMFIT
Latin sun SOL
Makes amends using a stone ATONES
Mend with wool DARN
Modern name of Persia IRAN
Not excitable or emotional STOLID
Of or used in seeing VISUAL
Older in years or higher in rank SENIOR
Oral impudence LIP
Pipe for carrying away waste matter SEWER
Rich reddish-brown colour SEPIA
Segregate or quarantine ISOLATE
Self-satisfied, stuffy SMUG
Shares with pimply outbreaks RASHES
Ship or utensil VESSEL
Show the meaning of, make clear EXPLAIN
Spoken, not written ORAL
Take advantage of escapade? EXPLOIT
They are pivoted on fulcrums LEVERS
Things to talk about TOPICS