Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 16 1999

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Clues Answers
A loud report or a collision BANG
A ranting preacher informally thumps it TUB
A soft pliable mixture AMALGAM
Accuse or find fault with ARRAIGN
Aries is the Sign of the ... RAM
Break for simple card game SNAP
Brendan . . . . . , author of ' 'Borstal Boy' ' BEHAN
Burned by design SINGED
Cheeky or mischievous girls MINXES
Coloured slightly, as hair may be TINTED
Complimentary description of women FAIRSEX
Den of wild animal LAIR
Determined in canine way DOGGED
Encountered MET
Flimsy fabric or shoe fasterner LACE
Get a move on, make some speed HURRYUP
Got a robe for Roman TOGA
Moved around a point or axis TURNED
Nationality of citizen of Tehran IRANIAN
Neared so as to make loved ENDEAR
One who lives alone avoiding people RECLUSE
Clues Answers
People who have been fooled or swindled DUPES
Prickly plant of lithest kind THISTLE
Pursue for debt DUN
Put off or give way DEFER
Raised glass to TOASTED
Resolute kind of business FIRM
Sacred river east of Israel JORDAN
Smiled broadly and warmly BEAMED
Spurned or rejected by lover JILTED
Stories as told by Aesop FABLES
Stun using adze DAZE
Symbol or hallmark NUMBER
Symbol or hallmark EMBLEM
The southern States of the USA DIXIE
Thin coating or covering layer FILM
Thrashed or whisked BEATEN
Time of year when day equals night EQUINOX
Virus disease causing blisters on skin HERPES
Wandering people, roaming tribes NOMADS
Weird, outlandish BIZARRE