Irish Times (Simplex) - Feb 18 1999

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Clues Answers
Allow fresh air to circulate VENTILATE
Came re the fine AMERCE
Carries the betting system TOTES
Commit information to the mind MEMORISE
Concerning old Greek philosopher or a soul relationship PLATONIC
Contend for a prize COMPETE
Copies, takes off IMITATES
Curling up comfortably SNUGGLING
Departs LEAVES
Deprive of food STARVE
Divider to select for suitability. SCREEN
Explanation of an illustration CAPTION
French painter RENOIR
Hardened, accustomed INURED
Hole for a limb? ARMPIT
Neptune's fork TRIDENT
Net for the snake-like fish EELSET
Non-winner LOSER
Clues Answers
Parts of a circle, shapes of the moon at certain times CRESCENTS
Person who rules for a sovereign REGENT
Relating to a fast period LENTEN
Relating to old Germanic alphabet RUNIC
Religious painting ICON
Roundabout for the animal acts CIRCUS
Sandhill DUNE
See art at this time of year EASTER
Sell in small quantities RETAIL
Single article on a list ITEM
Stripping or uncovering BARING
Talk together CONVERSE
The means adopted to achieve an end TACTICS
Tide of the smallest range NEAP
Used one's nails and withdrew from the competition SCRATCHED
Warning light AMBER
Waver and threaten to fall TOTTER
Withdraw or slope backwards RECEDE