USA Today - Dec 16 2003

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Clues Answers
"Freeze!" HALT
"Now I get it!" AHA
"Silas Marner" novelist George ELIOT
Actress Thompson LEA
Astounds WOWS
Ball-cap symbol EMBLEM
Baltic Sea country POLAND
Bear's cry? SELL
Bough LIMB
Brooder HEN
Buckle from heat WARP
Budget item RENT
Chalet backdrop ALP
Chin-wipers BIBS
Coldcocks DECKS
Cookie favorite OREO
Cuddly pet name FURBALL
Department store department MENS
Drop the ball ERR
Eyelid woe STYE
Facetious tribute ROAST
Fill to the rim TOPOFF
Five-time Wimbledon champ BORG
Food fish SOLE
Future queen? PAWN
Guarantee ENSURE
Have dibs on CLAIM
Hither's partner YON
Hunting expedition SAFARI
Insulation units BATTS
It may have a gooseneck LAMP
Lovebirds' place CAGE
Lucy of "Charlie's Angels" LIU
Mild oaths DRATS
More compliant MEEKER
New addition of 1803 OHIO
Clues Answers
No Doubt vocalist Stefani GWEN
Normandy invasion town STLO
Old horses NAGS
Opera staple ARIA
Part of a front-end alignment TOEIN
Peeping Tom, say EYER
Persian, today IRANI
Play first fiddle WIELDTHESCEPTER
Play first fiddle RULETHEROOST
Play first fiddle CALLALLTHESHOTS
Play first fiddle HOLDTHEREINS
Pompous gait STRUT
Prepare for a dubbing KNEEL
Prevail upon URGE
Proof of ownership TITLE
Put through the paces TEST
Quaffs at dart tournaments ALES
Quicker than a flash (Abbr.) MSEC
Rope fiber SISAL
Roundhouse result, sometimes KAYO
Satirist Mort SAHL
Schematic drawing DIAGRAM
Sea eagles ERNES
Shout from the stands RAH
Southwestern Indians UTES
Straight shot BEELINE
They're often inflated EGOS
Threshing tool FLAIL
TV jock Swann LYNN
Two words before "note" ONTHAT
Underwater knoll REEF
Valueless NULL
Van Gogh setting ARLES
Vegas headliner LAS
Verbal jab in the ribs PSST
Vestments RAIMENT
Wise guy SAGE
Yellowstone attractions GEYSERS