USA Today - Sep 23 2005

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Clues Answers
''Dallas'' Miss ELLIE
''I cannot tell ___'' ALIE
''I've Got ___ in Kalamazoo'' AGAL
''Lilies of the Field'' song AMEN
''Over There'' penner COHAN
''Scream'' star Campbell NEVE
''The African Queen'' author FORESTER
''The ___-Bitsy Spider'' ITSY
''Venus de ___'' MILO
''___ you so!'' ITOLD
0.0929 square meter SQUAREFOOT
16-Across improver TAILWIND
A relative of mine? HERS
Accentuate STRESS
Actor Chaney LON
Actress Braga SONIA
Airplane seat features ARMRESTS
Alka-Seltzer jingle word FIZZ
Anthropologist or lake MEAD
Appliance that could be Dutch OVEN
Artist Mondrian PIET
Avoided bloodshed, in a way RAN
Back then ONCE
Baja town TIJUANA
Baronet's bride DAME
Beame and Saperstein ABES
Beautiful idyllic place XANADU
Bell sound PEAL
Big name in golf ELS
Bizarre OUTRE
Brahman feature HUMP
Branch of sci. GEOL
Brat's Christmas present COAL
Brief investments? IRAS
Bright reflection GLARE
Bring into the open TROTOUT
Caesar's ''to be'' ESSE
Campus near South Bend, initially NDU
Capital of Italia ROMA
Cast material? IRON
Castor or Pollux TWIN
Charlie Chan portrayer TOLER
Charm believed to carry a magic spell MOJO
City near Syracuse UTICA
Clarinetist Artie SHAW
Coiffures, informally DOS
Collection of life rules, in Hinduism SUTRA
Come next ENSUE
Computer technology website CNET
Concordes, briefly SSTS
Conquistador's quest ORO
Cupid alias AMOR
Curtain fabric LACE
Cutty ___ (historic ship) SARK
Da ___, Vietnam NANG
Deadeye's forte AIM
Deli staple SALAMI
Dips in gravy SOPS
Doing arduous work LABORING
Dovetail component TENON
Draws to a close ENDS
Due date, briefly ETA
Educational grant PELL
Emmy winner Christine LAHTI
Emulate Lance Armstrong CYCLE
Emulated Huck Finn RAFTED
Epilogue or coda FINALE
Exiled Ugandan AMIN
Exude EMIT
Film maven Roger EBERT
Fine porcelain LIMOGES
Football's Galloping Ghost GRANGE
For fear that LEST
Frequently used key ENTER
Fuzzy fruit KIWI
Gardener's gift GREENTHUMB
Genuine REAL
Getting on (Var.) AGEING
Gist NUB
Going nowhere INARUT
Grasp the concept SEE
Great surge ONRUSH
Greedy one HOG
Green circle and black diamond, e.g. SKIRUNS
Guarneri's kin, for short STRAD
Gymnast's perch BEAM
Had something ATE
Hamburger link? UND
Harpist or guitarist, at times STRUMMER
Harshest sentence MAXIMUM
Highlands hat TAM
Himalayan denizen NEPALI
Hip adjective ILIAC
Ho-hum routine RUT
Home to mummy? TOMB
Homer's penultimate letter PSI
Horton's worry EGG
Houseful in Britain? LORDS
Illegal Cubans? CIGARS
In the course of AMID
Indicating anticipation RUBBINGHANDS
Indicating defensiveness CROSSINGARMS
Indicating impatience TAPPINGTOES
Indicating interest TILTINGHEAD
Informed of ONTO
Interjection to express doubt AHEM
Iris locale UVEA
It can be a stretch LIMO
It may be forbidden FRUIT
It's Grande RIO
It's on the watch MINUTEHAND
Itch YEN
John's sign, sometimes MEN
Keep in stock CARRY
Kishkes DERMAS
Kukla and Ollie's friend FRAN
Languish YEN
Clues Answers
Like a road runner FLEET
Linger longer TARRY
Linguist Chomsky NOAM
Look or must adjunct SEE
Looked with amazement GAPED
Louis XV's madame DUBARRY
Made a web SPUN
Made like dough ROSE
Make one's disdain plain SNEER
Management stratum TIER
Many are broadcast TAPINGS
Margaret or Diana, e.g. PRINCESS
Massachusetts's motto start ENSE
Memento from one U.S. state LEI
Michael Keaton film MRMOM
Mickey's character ANDY
Midori on the ice ITO
Modicum IOTA
Morose SAD
Most pleasant NICEST
Natural gas component ETHANE
Nearly extinct RARE
Nina's traveling companion PINTA
North or South ending AMERICA
Not for the scrap heap USABLE
Not wet, in some product names DRI
Of a sickly, yellow hue SALLOW
Off course ERRANT
Offensive expression LEER
Ohio Indians, in the past ERIES
Old elevator cars CAGES
Olympics sticker EPEE
On tenterhooks EDGY
Ostentatious SWANKY
Overthrow attempts COUPS
Pack ___ (give up) ITIN
Palindromic emperor OTTO
Parent's challenge, stereotypically TEEN
Part of some sailing vessels FIGUREHEAD
Pioneer automaker OLDS
Pork portion BUTT
Presage OMEN
Present prefix OMNI
Press agent's goal INK
Previous arrest PRIOR
Protrudes JUTS
Rembrandt's medium OILS
Respiratory abnormality RALE
Rice-shaped pasta ORZO
Rock layers SEAMS
Romeo's car? ALFA
Row or rank TIER
Rowdy sort HELLION
Ruler opposed by the Bolsheviks TSAR
Sault ___ Marie STE
Seaport southeast of 36-Across NAPOLI
Seasonal libation NOG
Second largest city in Nicaragua LEON
Show of hands, e.g. VOTE
Sightlessness ANOPIA
Sign of nerves TIC
Sioux speakers OTOE
Sledding setting SLOPE
Sneaker brand AVIA
Some desserts in 36-Across GELATI
Song of yesteryear OLDIE
Speak foolishly GIBBER
Special language JARGON
Standard introduction? NON
Status ___ QUO
Stentorian LOUD
Stir turbulently ROIL
Straight talk CANDOR
Studio stock REELS
Subject of a split ATOM
Suggestion box data INPUT
Taj Mahal site AGRA
Target of fawning IDOL
Technique used to create movie effects CGI
Termini ENDS
Thesaurus item, briefly SYN
They may be swaying DEBATECHAMPIONS
They may be swaying BALLROOMDANCERS
They may be swaying SCOTCHPINETREES
Tollbooth credential EZPASS
Trails LAGS
Treble clef sequence EGBDF
Tuck site TUMMY
Type of campaign SMEAR
Type of hug BEAR
Unarmed, to a police officer CLEAN
Unit of wisdom PEARL
Unpleasant task ONUS
Verb with thou ART
Verbal white flag UNCLE
Vernacular ARGOT
Victorian and Romantic, for two ERAS
Walker with little experience TOT
Washer cycle RINSE
Wastes, in mob slang OFFS
Watch pocket FOB
Where Napoleon was exiled ELBA
Where people request to be hit? RENO
Wimpled woman NUN
Word on all U.S. coins TRUST
Word with brain or price SCAN
Word with sauce or house STEAK
Word with swing or ring MOOD
Words with music or work SETTO
Work hard TOIL
___ dolorosa VIA
___ Hashanah ROSH
___ patriae (patriotism) AMOR
___-Roman wrestling GRECO