USA Today - Jul 18 2003

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Clues Answers
". . . ___ is in heaven" ASIT
"Auld Lang ___" SYNE
"Sommersby" actor GERE
"Toodle-oo!" TATA
"Veronica's Room" author Levin IRA
"Voila!" PRESTO
"What's that you say?" HUH
"X" a box, say OPT
"___ pig's eye!" INA
"___ Yankees" DAMN
12/24, for one EVE
A judge, e.g. TRIER
Accrue AMASS
Albanian "dollars" LEKS
Ali's faith ISLAM
Angel hair on your tongue PASTA
Attention-grabbing RIVETING
Balmoral Castle river DEE
Bearded antelopes GNUS
Bookbinding leather ROAN
Broadway offering COMICOPERA
Broadway offering VAUDEVILLE
Broadway offering MUSICALSHOW
Broadway offering SHAKESPEARE
Came apart at the seams TORE
Canvasback cousin TEAL
Capp and Jolson ALS
Carnival place RIO
Catcher's necessity MASK
Cephalalgia HEADACHE
Certain Spanish gent? MANOFLAMANCHA
Change for a fin ONES
Circled by AMID
Clay water crock OLLA
Clothe TOG
Cold War participant USSR
Conductor Ormandy EUGENE
Custard tart FLAN
Dark times in one's life NIGHTS
Dickens title start ATALE
Director Fritz LANG
Elegantly sumptuous LUXE
Eliel's son EERO
End of a retaliatory phrase TAT
Enumerate LIST
Exodus commemoration SEDER
Expansive ROOMY
Falconry, for one SPORT
Famous twin ENG
Fine table linen DAMASK
First Hebrew letter ALEPH
First name in noted aviators AMELIA
Fixed one's eyes? STARED
Fixed the pilot? RELIT
Flightless Australian EMU
Flubs ERRS
Focus of military science WARFARE
Foot bones TARSALS
Frisco paper EXAMINER
Future school? ROE
Give credence VALIDATE
Great multitude HOST
Greed, envy or pride SIN
Habituates INURES
Half-witted DUMB
Head of France TETE
Hockey great Bobby ORR
Hop, skip or jump VERB
Horner's dessert PIE
Israeli airline ELAL
It supports the cast SLING
It's carried in a trunk TIRE
Jai ___ ALAI
James' pal in "Rebel Without a Cause" SAL
Jazzman "Jelly Roll" ___ MORTON
Jazzy first name ELLA
Clues Answers
John, the Arctic explorer RAE
Judge or juror TRIER
Judge's order to a lawyer REPHRASE
Kind of salad TOSSED
La Crosse-Green Bay dir. ENE
Lacerate SLIT
Large indefinite number MYRIAD
Light-Horse Harry LEE
Lip balm ingredient ALOE
Little newt EFT
Lord's domain MANOR
Manipulate dishonestly RIG
Martin's "That's ___" AMORE
Montenegro native SLAV
Narrow groove STRIA
No longer an option OUT
Nocturnal arboreal marsupial POSSUM
Not caring about right and wrong AMORAL
Notched like a saw SERRATE
Nothing, somewhere NADA
Oil-bearing rock SHALE
One who lies in wait AMBUSHER
Panache ELAN
Patron saint of Norway (995-1030) OLAFII
Plus-or-minus fig. EST
Pompeii was covered in it LAVA
Preceding periods EVES
Previous arrest PRIOR
Provider of a one-way ride TBAR
Reached terra firma ALIT
Regale an audience WOW
Request from Ms. Hudson's mate? KISSMEKATE
Roman goddess of the moon LUNA
Rubbed the wrong way RILED
Salutation for Barbie? HELLODOLLY
Samuel's mentor ELI
Save a Rembrandt RESTORE
Secular LAIC
Septennial affliction? SEVENYEARITCH
Sight from Le Havre MER
Sixth sign VIRGO
Sketch a plan DESIGN
Slight interruption AHEM
Slipshod SLOPPY
Smoke residue TAR
Some people fall back on them NESTEGGS
Somewhat gamy OFF
Speak highly of LAUD
Specimen for an assayer ORE
Spiritual essences SOULS
Start for type or vision TELE
Stylish magazine ELLE
Submitted SENTIN
Supplies the food CATERS
Swelling caused by water EDEMA
Telephonic 3 DEF
Temple, poetically FANE
They're virtually pointless EPEES
Things on the side, often FRIES
Third of a quarter MONTH
To be, to Nero ESSE
Took a card DREW
Unexplained sightings UFOS
Update, industrially speaking RETOOL
Utterance during a play PSST
Vietnam delta MEKONG
Virile types MALES
Weekend getaway destinations, perhaps INNS
What it doesn't hurt to do ASK
What some did to come home SLID
When Shaq begins to play TIPOFF
Where heroes come into existence? DELI
Whole bunch SLEW
Widespread chaos HAVOC
Winglike ALAR
Word with time or here SAME
Words with shake or break ALEG