Irish Times (Simplex) - May 29 2002

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Clues Answers
A land measure to care about ACRE
A monotonous song or rhythmic call CHANT
A very self-centred person EGOIST
Accomplish or attain ACHIEVE
Altogether, completely INTOTO
An American lift - going up? ELEVATOR
Bold as brass BRAZEN
Bring case to a higher court APPEAL
Diplomatic representative of the pope NUNCIO
Done in an unpleasant and secret way ONTHESLY
Funny man, once at court JESTER
Infertile, unproductive BARREN
Intensely violent, savage FIERCE
It's not us in throes OTHERS
Kind of accomplice or clothes add-on ACCESSORY
Large tough man, inflicts flesh discolourations BRUISER
Mother or father PARENT
National flag of United Kingdom UNIONJACK
Clues Answers
Now there's a lady ESTHER
One who weeps easily without good cause CRYBABY
Prates about meal REPAST
Rebellious person of immature years - from Ankara? YOUNGTURK
Reduction in number or quantity as through over-use DEPLETION
Schoolboy dodging school TRUANT
Shakespeare: ''Parting is such sweet . . . . . .'' (6) SORROW
Snares for rodents or dangerous buildings RATTRAPS
Staffs carried by bishops CROZIERS
Stylish and elegant CHIC
The archer's missile ARROW
The capital of Venezuela CARACAS
The longer bone in the forearm ULNA
The process of styling hirsute head HAIRDO
Thorny bush like the wild rose BRIER
Turn inside out INVERT
Vincent van . . . . was a great Dutch painter GOGH
Woody plant smaller than a tree SHRUB