Irish Times (Simplex) - Aug 13 2007

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Brideshead Revisited' was written by . . . . . . Waugh ' EVELYN
A gifted public speaker ORATOR
A pleasant and leisurely walk STROLL
A protest about a troublesome male gland PROSTATE
A wise old bird OWL
Angora nut for long-armed ape of Burma ORANGUTAN
Annual get-togethers as of past pupils REUNIONS
Ascending flight of steps STAIRS
Brought or lured away from the proper path LEDASTRAY
Canine accessory or clerical neckband DOGCOLLAR
Cordially loathes and detests ABHORS
Exerting maximum effort - nobody home ALLOUT
Fished with rod and line ANGLED
Have legal possession of - won it OWN
He led the Jews out of Egypt MOSES
Irregular mark or stain BLOTCH
legendary Greek noted for good looks ADONIS
Made a mistake, was wrong ERRED
Clues Answers
Mark on ship's side to indicate limit of loading PLIMSOLL
Misspelt in the least complicated way SIMPLEST
More gifted or competent - maybe a seaman? ABLER
Of or involving sound waves SONIC
Of ship, fat in the rear AFT
Permit me to observe - I'm thinking LETMESEE
Pitted with tiny holes like skin POROUS
Pleated strip of cloth trimming or an unnecessary extra FRILL
Prejudice in relation to advanced years AGEISM
Protected as by armour - say an alibi IRONCLAD
Roughened metal strip for trimming horny hands NAILFILE
Round and plump CHUBBY
Rubbishy bits of animal flesh OFFAL
Shakespeare: '. . . met by moonlight' ILL
Soothes as with children's song LULLS
Street urchin or impudent child GAMIN
The belief that disputes should be settled peacefully PACIFISM
This cord joins baby to mother before birth UMBILICAL