Irish Times (Simplex) - Jul 15 2006

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Clues Answers
'. . . . . . . . baby, on the tree top' (lullaby) ROCKABYE
Able to live both on land and in water AMPHIBIAN
Beat seeds out of grain THRESH
Calm, placid, still TRANQUIL
Canopy for shelter from rain or sun AWNING
Commences BEGINS
Copied, aped IMITATED
Extreme nationalists FASCISTS
Forsake, leave behind ABANDONS
Frozen water ICE
Glowing remainder of a fire EMBER
Government tax on imports TARIFF
Incalculable amount UNTOLD
Indian bread NAN
Influenza, in short FLU
It causes a streak of light in the night sky METEOR
Japanese art of growing dwarf plants BONSAI
Most essential part of an idea NUB
Clues Answers
Native of Baghdad, say IRAQI
No leader, oddly, for the flowering shrub OLEANDER
Not chemically active INERT
Particular group of symptoms that always occur together SYNDROME
Partly, to some degree QUASI
Person who makes a will TESTATOR
Pertinence to the matter at hand RELEVANCE
Poem or scene of pastoral simplicity IDYLL
Polynesian island TONGA
Residential district on a city's outskirts SUBURB
Russian liquor VODKA
Small plant-sucking insects APHIDS
Speech pattern ACCENT
Steadfast and true LOYAL
String of prayer beads ROSARY
The Pater Noster OURFATHER
They have married into the family SONSINLAW
Victor's prize TROPHY